holster policy.


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Toronto, Ontario
I am using this thread to ask about your holster policy.

As someone who carries for work, I would think I would know how to carry a firearm safely. And I also have my ipsc black badge.

I was at your range the other day shooting. I turned around with my pistol secure in my holster because my friend just showed up to the range and was banging the glass to get my attention and one of your range officers lost there mind.

He started yelling at me because I turned around with my pistol in my holster.

He said holster can only be allowed when in facing down range. Even if I am in my firing line and I want to turn around I must unholster my gun.

This sounds dumb because when ever I go to other ranges you can walk around the shooting area when ever we wanted. Unless it was ceasefire.

Is this a policy? Or did I encounter a range nazi.

You guys should tell your seal team six to take a chill pill. No need to yell at me in front of my guest.

Makes me wonder if I should renew my membership.

Sorry for any grammatical errors. I am on my phone.
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He said holster can only be allowed when in facing down range. Even if I am in my firing line and I want to turn around I must unholster my gun.

It does sound dumb (in ranges that allow holsters)
but how did he think one could unholster and turn around 180 degrees
(to see who's banging on the glass)? I assume range rules do not permit
him to unholster and put the loaded gun down on the bench (facing down-range).
To do so, he would have to remove ammo and prove it before putting it
down open. Or he would have to be a gymnast to unholster, keep the gun
pointing down-range (behind his back) while turning to give his back to down-range.
A ipsc event would likely send the RO in to a melt down.. Assuming the gun is unloaded, the holster is the safest spot for a gun to be
Range officer or not I can't see verbally abusing people with guns being a good idea... What is the old adage "an armed society is a polite society" The only "yelling" should be to announce a cease fire on the range. After that If he wants to carry on with a private conversation letting you know that you are breaking the rules that is fair ball... Is it a Range or a kindergarten school... Must suck not having enough range options in Ontario...
Range officer or not I can't see verbally abusing people with guns being a good idea... What is the old adage "an armed society is a polite society" The only "yelling" should be to announce a cease fire on the range. After that If he wants to carry on with a private conversation letting you know that you are breaking the rules that is fair ball... Is it a Range or a kindergarten school... Must suck not having enough range options in Ontario...

I agree with Magoo22. We had the most ignorant a-holes in our club and we finally got fed up and got rid of them. First thing we do is tell newbies that they are grown ups and will be treated as such. Now we go to the range and have some laughs and some fun. You can actually do those things and be safe about it. Some people are just so anal.
I shoot at Target sports and i was informed that (if holster certified) you may have the firearm UNLOADED in the holster while in the range. This includes behind the firing line. Of course the firearm must be holstered / drawn / uncased and recased only at the bench / stall facing downrange.

I am using this thread to ask about your holster policy.

As someone who carries for work, in would think I would know how to carry a firearm safely. And I also have my ipsc black badge.

I was at your range the other day shooting. I turned around with my pistol secure in my holster because my friend just showed up to the range and was banging the glass to get my attention and one of your range officers lost there mind.

He started yelling at me because I turned around with my pistol in my holster.

He said holster can only be allowed when in facing down range. Even if I am in my firing line and I want to turn around I must unholster my gun.

This sounds dumb because when ever I go to other ranges you can walk around the shooting area when ever we wanted. Unless it was ceasefire.

Is this a policy? Or did I encounter a range nazi.

You guys should tell your seal team six to take a chill pill. No need to yell at me in front of my guest.

Makes me wonder if I should renew my membership.

Sorry for any grammatical errors. I am on my phone.
I dont see where it says it was unloaded, :S
If it was loaded and he thought you were heading for the door, I can see him being more reactive,

Also, having someone banging on the glass doesn't help...lol

Gun was unloaded and I didn't even make a step towards the door. I just turned around in the same spot.

Buying a share for sharon sounds better every time I go shooting.
You may want to direct this to JR at the shooting edge, he will let you know if its a policy issue or a staff issue.
As an RO I can tell you, i,ve seen things I would never and I mean never think someone at a range would do, so poss a chance that the RO, was a little jumpy.
Did you try and discus this with the RO or the manager on duty?
Having been to TS many time, they have a large volume of shooters and everything from new to tac team leaders to reg shooters.
Sounds like your a member, so im sure you have seen some stupid sh** on the range.
If the firearm had already been shown to be clear to the RO and holstered, I am not sure what his concern would be , even if he did have a legitmate concern , it is very unprofessional to be yelling at someone on a range as this creates a distraction in itself.....sounds like the RO was having a bad day and wanted to share the pain...or was upset with your friend because he was creating a distraction by banging on the glass and took it out on you....
I'd be interested in the "other half" of the story... sounds inocent enough,,, however experience tells me different.... Most people don't yell for no reason.... At least not for long anyways....
Range Safety vs Hero,,, tough line to determine sometimes...
Unfortunately this type of situation is becoming all too common. I won't pass judgement on this specific incident, as I don't know all the facts, but there are a lot of people out there with similar attitudes destroying our sport/hobby.

As long as the pistol was holstered, unloaded, had the firing pin removed, slide disassembled, 13 triggers locks, and a northeasterly exposure was maintained then I don't see a problem with it!?

Who needs CFO's and negative press when there are people in our own community willing to create unwanted fear and unrealistic demands.

Safety is paramount but paranoia and fear...not so much.
Have had the similar issues with a range in Edmonton named after a city in Arizona. Complete range nazis! Can understand if there is a safety issue but losing their mind in front of everybody is totally uncalled for. If the club allows your firearm to be holstered then it really should not be an issue. Obvious power trip! There are ways to do the job professionally while still maintaining range safety.
Unfortunately this type of situation is becoming all too common. I won't pass judgement on this specific incident, as I don't know all the facts, but there are a lot of people out there with similar attitudes destroying our sport/hobby.

As long as the pistol was holstered, unloaded, had the firing pin removed, slide disassembled, 13 triggers locks, and a northeasterly exposure was maintained then I don't see a problem with it!?

Who needs CFO's and negative press when there are people in our own community willing to create unwanted fear and unrealistic demands.

Safety is paramount but paranoia and fear...not so much.

Well said!...
Couple of Range Nazies at The Shooting Edge in Calgary,,, but I think they are good guys and the attitude comes from the owner... I get handed a pistol that I want to use from their counter,,, don't want to point it at the guy who gave it to me,,, so pointed it at a direction where nobody was,,, "Hey...In a safe direction!!!"... from another range officer....I was pissed...
Since they had range damage from people using steel core ammo,, now I have to pay!... Hardly get through the door and I got a guy yelling at me asking if I got steel core!,,... then the inspections are pissin me off.... How many times I gotta say "no"... anyways I respect their concern,,, but their approach is kindergarden ,,, I'll be going somewhere else next year!...
I shoot at TSE and their policy is the only place a holstered gun can have a mag in it is the firing line. That being said, you can still draw and fire, or as some call it, practice. If you are going to leave the line, there must be no magazine in the gun. And obviously no round in the pipe.

Sounds to me like an overzealous RO, but is that really a bad thing? I would have waited for the rant to end and pointed out the unloaded condition. If it was, ask for an apology.
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