My experience with Marstar and UPS.

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My experience with Marstar and UPS.
I placed a telephone order with Marstar for some bullets and couple of magazines.
Guy on the phone was great got back to me with shipping prices. Since it was lead bullets the shipping was not cheap. However it is what it is and I placed the order.

Package arrived on December 23 and my daughter called to say that she had to help the UPS driver because the box could not be lifted by one person due to weight and items inside shifting around.
I got home and opened up the box and this is what arrived.







I was a little choked since there were now 3 different calibers mixed together. 5000 bullets and only 2 boxes were not completely busted open. Box also had UPS tape on it so I don’t know if it busted open at some point and was re-taped or if that was used to start with. Some of the bullets were in a thin plastic bag.

That evening, Dec. 23rd, I sent Marstar pictures and my information by email. I told them items were not damaged since it was lead but did not arrive in the best condition.
Jan 6th, I have not heard back so I called Marstar and they looked at the email.
A gentleman gets on the line and says. We will let Canada Post know and they will get back to you later.
I told them it was UPS that shipped. He said, well then UPS will contact you.

Jan 20th I emailed Marstar and asked if there was any news, since I had not heard anything from UPS or Marstar.
Jan 21st Marstar emails that UPS has been trying to get a hold of me. I had no messages or call display from UPS.
I called UPS at 9am and 3pm on the 21st and left messages.

Jan 21st UPS calls back and asks for pictures and then replies back on the 22nd with:
Thank you for the photos. Once the inspection is completed, all the claim information will be sent to the claims department. They will deal directly with the shipper on record, the shipper is the person or company the package was shipped out from. If you have any questions regarding this claim please contact the shipper directly.
Thank you

Jan 22nd, I emailed Marstar to let them know UPS would be in touch.
Jan 28th I haven’t heard anything so I email Marstar.
Jan 29th Marstar responds back that they have heard nothing.
Jan 30th Marstar emails me:
Hello Chris,
We received the reply from UPS attached.
Unfortunately they are not refunding any of the shipping cost.

I responded back with:
So will Marstar stand behind this at all or is this considered acceptable?

So, that is my experience. Pretty dry read but I am sure most of you got a chuckle from the photos.
Must have been fun to sort all these bullets! great christmas gift!
A single box of 1000 bullet is pretty heavy on itself, I can't imagine all this put together.
I'm guessing that it was UPS who broke open the package, and had bullets scatter all over the floor. It also appears that it wasn't packaged properly right from the start, and what happened was bound to happen.
I'm sure marstar will be along to insult you shortly and point out this is all your fault and they've done more for the shooting community then anyone ever lol
Its a bit ridiculous to ship 5k rounds in one cardboard box and not separate the order. Thats a lot of weight for some paper and plastic to contain, and doesn't appear that they even used staples. Is everything there and accounted for? UPS probably isn't backing up the shipment damage due to inappropriate packaging method.
Perhaps a strong wooden crate would have been a better choice. Or maybe since it was a larger order throw an ammo can in?

Quite a lot of "buwits" there! were you able to get it all sorted out??
Its a bit ridiculous to ship 5k rounds in one cardboard box and not separate the order. Thats a lot of weight for some paper and plastic to contain, and doesn't appear that they even used staples. Is everything there and accounted for? UPS probably isn't backing up the shipment damage due to inappropriate packaging method.

I spent close to 20 years within the courier industry working on claims items such as these. It comes down to this, the package appears to have been packaged improperly by the shipper and that's the way the claim would have been initiated.

It's an overweight package that should have been broken down into numerous packages or shipped in a thicker more secure container. The weight of the contents would and did easily bursts the seams. I am also not seeing excess amount of tape to prevent it opening on the closure of the top or bottom.

I am also not seeing the proper placement of packing material to keep the items inside from being crushed into each other.

The shipper is the one responsible for filing the claim on behalf of the customer if items are missing or damaged. They will not process a claim directly from the customer themselves. Once the shipper files the claim, it's issued a claim number which can be tracked for updates.

Once the shipper files the claim then the customer/ receiver is contacted and either a claims or security person will investigate depending on the incident. For instance if there is tampering like packages cut open it will go to security. They may visit you and take photos. In this case UPS would most likely not pay the claim as it was clearly not packaged properly, but here's the catch why did the driver pick it up if this was obvious at the time? So mostly for Marstar and a little by ups for not identifying the issue right away. But in some cases the drivers don't even enter the facility as it is being loaded into there truck or trailer so he may not have seen it. Just a thought.

To check to see if the packages were cut open look under the flaps, you will see cut marks, ink marks from a pen or jagged rips from a key. Some of your packages look opened before you got them is that correct? Or did you open them?

Can you verify that for me.

It looks like the main host package crushed opened in one if the UPS distribution centres as it travelled with hundreds of other packages on the chutes and belts. These chutes are jammed to the max with a sea of packages as the operations people running them are evaluated on the amount of packages the get in as well as out in the least amount if time. That means that even though the system at the moment was literally bursting at the seams and these packages had no where to go they would still keep unloading the freight onto the belts.

The logic is the afternoon shift meets its quota if all the trailers they had to unload on there shift is met. The problem is it doesn't say where they have to be unloaded onto. I used to have video tape and or audit this practise because one courier company had a habit of just jamming the contents of these trailers into these chutes and belts until the packages were crushed beyond repair.

They got there trailers unloaded but only by jamming up the chutes and belts leaving them for the next shift. Then the next shift did the same thing and so on.

So my point is you have pack your shipment knowing this, so many people just assume it goes from person to person on a nice clean belt to a nice clean truck and presto it's there.

The process itself is truly a disaster, and if I ever ship something myself I use almost an entire roll of tape so that it's not cardboard holding the package secure but the strength of the tape.

If you are filing a claim and stuff is missing let me know and I can give you some direct numbers to call, or people to email to save time, and I will be able to see if a claim has been filed and by who.
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Hey boss, we saved on all fit in ONE box LOL. I cant imagine sorting through 5000 rounds...time well not.
MRCLARK is totally right.
when I was younger, I worked for a well known shipping company, loading the vans. they would jam the belt as much as possible and packages would be crushed together. We had no time doing tetris and placing everything properly, and we always ended up trowing boxes one over the other, even though there was some "fragile" stickers on it. I felt soo bad doing this, but it was either that or get yelled at for being too slow.
Now, when I ship packages, I make sure everything is tight in the box with enough bubble wrap to prevent damage when they will throw it around the van!
Good afternoon Chris;
I hope we can resolve this matter before all the experts jump in with unfounded opinions

With your permission I would like to review this case lest we leave the impression we do not care about our clients....

On December 12th 2013 you requested a total quote for your planned order....
On December the 13th you were sent quote #QT11101
On December 16th you authorized the order....
On December 16th your order #1N68130 entered the system....
On December 16th your order went out by UPS on waybill #CAN778-5-00 one carton, 129lbs

We understand that you received the parcel on December 23rd 2014 and noted the damage at that time.... You forwarded the information to Frank to have the matter looked into.
Unfortunately that was the same day we closed for the Christmas holidays.
Immediately upon reopening January 2-2014 we were in touch with UPS, BTW they do not move too quickly, I imagine they have a few claims after the Christmas holidays.
On January 7th you were in touch with our billing department, you were advised that we had filed a claim with UPS....
On January 20th you requested an update....
On January 21st we asked that you call UPS as they alleged that they had been trying to reach you. We provided you with the phone number and claim file number.
On January 20th-21st you exchange e mail and photos with the claim auditor at UPS.
It would seem that on January 22nd UPS dumped this back on Marstar and so advised you....
On January 30th you were advised they would not refund the shipping, this is inaccurate and incomplete....

UPS advised us that they were sending our account representative up to see us ASAP, that person only showed up last week.... So as you can see we have NOT forgotten you

Now that we have cleared up matters with UPS we will argue this out with them.

I have examine the pictures, I can assure you we do not send bullets out in plastic bags, nor do we break open the individual boxes, we do not use UPS tape to wrap the carton....We do not use yellow foam in our packing.
This tells me that someplace along the route the carton was dropped from quite a height, even the mag came out of it's wrap.

We will deal with UPS, now thew big question, what do you want ? We are prepared to have you return the bullets at our cost for an immediate replacement also at out cost....
OR if you are inclined to sort this lot we could offer you a deal.... Your choice.

I'm guessing that it was UPS who broke open the package, and had bullets scatter all over the floor. It also appears that it wasn't packaged properly right from the start, and what happened was bound to happen.

May I suggest you avail yourself of all details before pronouncing yourself.... Packaging was the same as always, I reviewed this with the customer.... It is obvious that UPS broke open the package, put bullets in plastic bags, used UPS tape to close up the carton before delivering it
Those clear plastic garbage bags the ammo can be found in whats called a clerical or rewrap station. The problem is once it gets there it just sits on a table for all to see as they walk by. Also these rewrap stations have been used to hide undamaged valuable shipments for particular low life's who while sealing legit damaged will open the undamaged one in a perfectly camouflaged area.

As these work areas are used for repackaging damaged freight they need to be able to re label the shipment. Example if it is so damaged the ship to address cannot be read they must print off a new waybill right?

So some 9 dollar an hour dum dum can make a label and have it shipped anywhere?? Hmmm.

Now I'm referring to some courier shipping companies based on my experience as a whole not UPS in particular.
I'm sure marstar will be along to insult you shortly and point out this is all your fault and they've done more for the shooting community then anyone ever lol

A prime example of why I do not appear very often on CGN.... What absolute dribble, completely ignorant of the facts but jump in and make statements....
What ever happened to the days this was a fun site ??
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