My experience with Marstar and UPS.

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a firend of mine got the $75 sks deal, website said it was in stock, a month goes by before buddy calls Marstar and they informed him that the ammo is out of stock and he will have to wait at most a additional month before he got the gun+ammo..

over another month goes by before he finally received the rifle... and the ammo a week later

But i suppose john is going to want buddys name, order number, order date, birth certificate, social insurance number, etc before he can mentally process the fact that he screwed up...

That was quite some time ago, I do remember that we had several containers held at the port in Germany, later held for inspection in Montreal, which caused long delays.... Over 6 weeks as a matter of fact.... Please understand we sell millions of rounds of 7.62x39 every year, we try to keep a 2 months supply ahead at all times however when such unexpected delays occur what do you suggest we do....??

ALL customers were advised of the delay, all orders were filled, what is the issue here ?
If this event caused you or your buddy undo stress and anxiety we apologize.
HMM ! Just a thought - Not BLAMING anyone - but i think 129 lbs of bullets is a LOT of weight to be packed around in Cardboard Box ! A lot of people could not even lift that box of bullets - PROB got dropped a few times being moved from Marstar to the Buyers place ! :rolleyes: JMO RJ

We pack millions of bullets for shipment every year, anything from 1000 to several thousand per shipment, of course we use boxes that are rated for the given weight of the shipment (burst rating) In the lat number of years we have experienced VEY few damaged shipments.
If it was shipped in that box, it was shipped incorrectly. I used to work for ups. Boxes like that get stuck on the rollers and have other boxes tearing it open as they get pushed down the rollers, or they fall off of the rollers and explode upon impact of the steel floors. Things like this should be shipped in a wooden crate.

Then the customer complains of the added weight of the wooden box....

Why is everybody concerned how it was shipped ? We are offering to compensate the customer, what is the problem ??
Good luck getting anything from Marstar.
Still waiting from 4 years ago for $12.
Apparently there is 2 people in their system with the same name , they sent me the other guys stuff , I called Marstar and sent the stuff back on my dime, cheap ass losers never reimbursed me , even after multiple emails and copies of the shipping reciept

Here we go again alleged mistake, alleged refusal of refund....
Do we have a name NO
Have we offered evidence, like date, order number ?? NO
Have you contacted the administration ?
I hate them and their ignorance and huge egos, I am surprised they can fit through doors with their attitude. I always steer people clear of doing business with them.

Since we barely fit through the doors we will follow your suggestion and leave CGN

Wethank you for your attitude and your expert guidance of potential clients
Really - the bottom line is the shipper put 129 lbs of bullets in a cardboard box ! WTF were they thinking ? Put a 100 lbs plus in a carboard box and try lifting it and moving it around - its a BIG friggin load ! NEVER should there be that much weight in one box ieven if its solid - most companys max alowable is 60-75 lbs in a single box ! :HR: RJ

So you have read our UPS contract regarding weight ??
I appreciate that you are trying to discredit everyone who makes any comment that may shine poorly on your business.
- You are correct I do not have my real name as my thread posting identity.
- I did not provide an order number, because I cancelled my order from your company that failed to provide me any service I cared to keep track of.

However you are offensive to call me a coward simply because I am an individual consumer posting my experience on the internet as a possible warning to others. I stand by my short story of dissatisfied service form your company, however your disrespectful response is more enlightening to your company's character than my input. Congratulations jerk, you have just solidified my stance that I won't give you any of my business or anyone's business who i can convince likewise.

It would be a simple matter for you to quote your order number which appears immediately upon completing your order....
That way you would not be exposing yourself on CGN
You would however allow us the opportunity of examining the file
John, I am embarrassed how this has turned out. I feel I give everyone a fair shake.

Yes, I am dealing with Marstar and not UPS. I was ignored by Marstar for close to a month after UPS said they were not responsible. The only Marstar response was after I posted to the forum and 2 months after the initial email.

If this email quote below was meant to keep me up to date I apologize for misunderstanding since I heard nothing back from Marstar for close to 3 weeks after this and only after the forum post. After 3 weeks I made an assumption Marstar did not care.
Hello Chris,
We received the reply from UPS attached.
Unfortunately they are not refunding any of the shipping cost.

You feel it is ridiculous for me to reach out and ask if Marstar considers this acceptable. Remember I received no communication back from you or Marstar until this post.
I did check out your Warranty and it is a great one that I am sure you stand behind.

Yes I could have returned an $800 order and you could pay the return shipping plus have your staff sort and count these so you could send them back out again.
Instead I chose to not be one of those Customers that complains about everything. I get it, this sometimes happens.
I put the ball in your court. I did not expect to be ignored.
Could have been a simple sorry and we are looking into it, to here is a refund on some of your shipping. I believe this is better than returning a whole order.

I spend a good bit of coin to enjoy shooting like several others do. I am not on a first name bases with those I purchase from. I go in buy what I need and move on.
The level that I was ignored is what prompted me to post my experience and as you can see from my post count I don't post often.
I gave more than enough time for a response from Marstar and even took the extra step to contact John personally a week ago and was ignored.

After 2 months you ask me what I want? Nothing
It had nothing to do with money but respect for a customer.

Obviously you are not happy, you want resolution....
I have assured you that we stand behind our warranty, we try to resolve matters to the customers satisfaction
Let me repeat, what do you want to do ??
Return for replacement ?
Accept a discount on the shipment,
Please let me know a soon as you decide...

Lessons learned for Marstar:

1) Split heavy shipments into separate boxes.
2) Invest in some heavy duty double-thickness boxes.

Splitting increases the cost to the customer....
Are you familiar with our cartons that we use ?? Since you appear to we would appreciate your suggestions

Marstar says they are thinking of leaving CGN , after some of the comments i've seen made by John, they should be ASKED to leave , as a gun dealer, WE are your customers and you should be bending over backwards to keep your customers happy, all I see from you is mostly insults ...and you wonder why everyone jumps on marstar for bad customer service??? seems they are getting it from the owner himself , with all the whining from John about his company being always right, I think you should get out of the gun business and start selling baby clothes, start with pacifiers , first one goes to the boss

A perfect example of why we will leave
Unfortunately it sounds like the shipment was signed for. I would have rejected the shipment as soon as I saw it, told the ups driver to send it back and then contact marstar for a re-shipment or refund. Any and all dealings with ups should be handled by the shipper plain and simple. The fact that they provided you a contact number and told you to contact them is BS.

I agree that would have been the simply way, refuse the shipment or note "received damaged"

It is UPS that was attempting to reach the customer, not Marstar referring him to UPS....
Don't leave John. Maybe have somebody post for you, but don't leave.

I do appreciate your personal loyalty....
Unfortunately this site is slowly degrading to the point of no longer serving a practical need, simply a place for uninformed people to whine about matters about which they know nothing....
We spend thousands to be here, why ? to be #####ed at ? No thanks
John, (Regarding email) You started, in a previous thread, that your business gets hundreds of emails everyday, and that you simply don't have enough staff to look at them on a regular basis. As a customer, I believe that any business that posts their email address, on their website, should consider email an important communication tool. At least an email is a record of actual wording, versus a phone message that gets passed along via your staff, which can lose the facts. I'm not bashing you, just trying to lend a hand. You have a business that moves a great amount of product, and I'm thinking that improved communication could really benefit your cause. All the best between you, and joeweasel:)
Not that I want you to leave CGN, but I will be checking with you regularly, for the deals and hard to find items.
Gotta agree with you though, as far as this site goes, what's in it you? Besides grief!
Unfortunately now a days the internet breeds and promotes keyboard cowboys, willing to say anything without fear of commitment or owning your comments. Gone are the days of simply picking up the telephone to discuss a problem and come to a resolution. I have always been a believer that if you have a problem with a retailer you take up the matter with the retailer and not to air your grievance in a public forum.
Unfortunately now a days the internet breeds and promotes keyboard cowboys, willing to say anything without fear of commitment or owning your comments.

Except I'll bet there were a $hitload of infractions given out. Mods don't like it when members "bite the hand that feeds them".
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