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Thread: Swiss Arms and Others

  1. #41
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer burnaby's Avatar
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    All the ANTIs are ROTFLOL at all the stupid gun owners infighting. ANTIs say thank you for trying to destroy one of few firearms business left, cause they know it is a tough business that once gone likely won't be replaced (who would be crazy enough to deal with politics of government and firearms owners)

    Keep infighting, don't concentrate on the real problem being the firearms act and what gov't is in charge.
    Revolvers RULE; remember that next time you BEND over to pick up brass OR ejected brass pings off the precision gear.
    Looking for a car pool buddy for weekly weekday trips from Burnaby to POCO. Better yet I'll drive weekly and you take me hunting.

  2. #42
    Morning Star

    The Lightbringer
    Slavex's Avatar
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    If people continue to accuse CGN or it's moderators of being on anyone's payroll, I will be handing out not just infractions but Bans. In case some of you have forgotten, you agreed to abide by the rules of the board when you signed up. That includes not insulting or bashing other members. You are free to think what you like of members, dealers and mods, you are not free to bash them. This is the only warning I'm going to give.
    It's always more fun to shoot stuff that does stuff.

    Some Mornings, It's Just Not Worth Chewing Through The Leather Straps

  3. #43
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Tengoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by awndray View Post
    You people needs to stop fighting one another. The TSE vs CSC fiasco is taking the focus away from the real problems: the Criminal Code of Canada, the Firearms Act, and the RCMP. Redirect your anger appropriately. We need to come together and use all of that energy in our favor. Write your MP. Write the PM. Write the Minister of Public Safety. Keep your opinions of retailer separate from the real issues.
    Absolutely right, and well said. When your house is on fire, spanking the kid who was playing with matches is NOT going to help.
    "Pity the poor opponents of the right to keep and bear arms! They must distrust just everybody except criminals and except
    the tyrant to whom they concede the armed monopoly of their protection." -- Pierre Lemieux [LIBERTY Magazine Nov. '97]

  4. #44
    CGN frequent flyer id64's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rubicon37s View Post
    Just wondering how Target Sports is connected to this?
    Same owner as Shooting EDGE
    Otium reficit vires

  5. #45
    CGN Regular Hillbilly Joe's Avatar
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    Oh! Come on you guys, those poor Mounties. They need to steal guns from somewhere, and it's not flood season yet.

  6. #46
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer mg4201's Avatar
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    not one dime not ever
    It is better to live one day as a lion, and die than to live one thousand years as a lamb.

  7. #47
    CGN frequent flyer Zeroed-In's Avatar
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    Petition signed #4505
    Gun Control is Being Able to Hit Your Target.

  8. #48
    GunNutz GunBoy's Avatar
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    You 100% right on this, Davide and conquer is one of the Oldest game play.
    Quote Originally Posted by awndray View Post
    You people needs to stop fighting one another. The TSE vs CSC fiasco is taking the focus away from the real problems: the Criminal Code of Canada, the Firearms Act, and the RCMP. Redirect your anger appropriately. We need to come together and use all of that energy in our favor. Write your MP. Write the PM. Write the Minister of Public Safety. Keep your opinions of retailer separate from the real issues.
    I am not even sure How much beer I drank Toyad.

  9. #49
    CGN Regular
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    I wrote the following letter to my MP to express my concerns with the recent actions of the RCMP.

    ...I am one of your constituents from Coquitlam. I am writing to you in regards to the recent actions taken by the RCMP to reclassify the Swiss Arms Classic Green rifle and certain variants of the Cz858 rifles from non-restricted or restricted to prohibited. These rifles have been available and legal to import, sell, purchase, and use in Canada for several years yet the RCMP has unilaterally and, in my opinion, arbitrarily retroactively reclassified them in such a way as to make ownership and use of them impossible for those who purchased them legally and in good faith. Even more egregiously, they refuse to provide compensation for the forfeiture of these rifles to those who have spent upwards of $4,000 dollars for the rifle alone, let alone the cost of registration, legal storage, and maintenance.

    Although I personally do not own any of the rifles that were recently reclassified, I do own other firearms and I worry that they might be next on the RCMP's chopping block.

    I was given to understand that some of the tenets of the Conservative Party's platform include the belief in the right of responsible firearms ownership for Canadian citizens and a belief in the right of private property. I hope that you hold true to these tenets and will look into the actions of the RCMP in order to prevent such excesses from occurring in the future and to make restitution to those have had their property forcibly taken from them with no compensation.

    Thank you for your time.
    I received the following reply within an hour. I hope for a positive outcome.

    Thank you for your note. We are in fact very troubled by the situation that has arisen from the Swiss Arms rifle. This decision was made by bureaucrats and not by politicians. That is why the Minister of Public Safety has ordered an urgent review of this unfortunate decision. I can assure you that all options are on the table to ensure that no firearms owner who acted in good faith suffers any consequences as a result of this terrible situation. All of the options are being explored on a very urgent basis.


    James Moore, PC MP

  10. #50
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer gaff's Avatar
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    pointing fingers will not solve the problem. the reality is we firearms owners were set up by the RCMP , They let these dealers sell these firearms in good faith for years , knowing full well this day would come . divide and concur ,cut off the conservative party support. . CZ858 owners and Scorpion owners are next.
    most semi auto rifles are variants if full autos, if they can prove this in court were done. and on another note if they get the Swiss rifles the converted autos will be a gone also. this affects all Canadian rights to private property,.

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