Hey Wolverine - re CZ 858


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
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Just wondering something . Of the 9,400 858's that you imported , how many if any after the LGR died ? . The purpose of the question , has the KGB been in yet to copy your store records for the NR CZ 858's sold after the LGR died to find out who , individuals or dealers/stores purchased those since it wasn't necessary to register them . KGB/any police agency or department .
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Just wondering something . Of the 9,400 858's that you imported , how many if any after the LGR died ? . The purpose of the question , has the KGB been in yet to copy your store records for the NR CZ 858's sold after the LGR died to find out who , individuals or dealers/stores purchased those since it wasn't necessary to register them . KGB/any police agency or department .
If it's the KGB coming in they won't be there to copy records.
They will be there with force to seize records/guns aka Marstar and grandiose the whole takedown.
Any resistance will be sent to the Gulag.
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If it's the KGB coming in they won't be there to copy records.
They will be there with force to seize records/guns aka Marstar and grandiose the whole takedown.
Any resistance will be sent to the Gulag.

At this point, if any 'Marstar-type' action goes down, I hope no one is shot as it appears they were prepared to do on that day. Sadly, given the RCMP's recent actions, I do not hold out hope that they are not looking for a chance to make an example out of someone.
All these threads with no explanation is starting to irritate me,
Bring people up to speed when starting a topic like this it helps when more know what's going on so more can contribute
Just wondering something . Of the 9,400 858's that you imported , how many if any after the LGR died ? . The purpose of the question , has the KGB been in yet to copy your store records for the NR CZ 858's sold after the LGR died to find out who , individuals or dealers/stores purchased those since it wasn't necessary to register them . KGB/any police agency or department .

This is a great question. How many dealers will just hand over their records without going to court? How about burning them right now.
wow... just read that link. I don't even recognise this country anymore. What ever happened to just knocking on the door and asking for some co operation? and I thought police where required to identify themselves when asked? This is so wrong, but you hear about it everyday lately....
Heck that is crazy!

I was raised if the police come to the door to invite them in and offer them a cup of tea. If they send that many cops I hope I have enough tea, but I guess they will be to busy trashing my house. They did not treat John as a citizen but as a subject.

What happened in the end? Did John ever get an apology?
It is a nasty part of Canadian history and this is still Canada after all.

Actually it is a new and improved Canada that features more anti gun hysteria in the media, minimum sentancing laws, an itemized list of most firearms sold as non restricted etc etc. So I agree that what happened in 1995 is not a good example of how it would go down these days.
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Heck that is crazy!

I was raised if the police come to the door to invite them in and offer them a cup of tea. If they send that many cops I hope I have enough tea, but I guess they will be to busy trashing my house. They did not treat John as a citizen but as a subject.

What happened in the end? Did John ever get an apology?

Not that I'm aware of. The Crown let the clock run out on due process (i.e. John was denied a trial within a reasonable time), and the case was tossed accordingly. No doubt this was done on purpose to save face.

I was brought up to think the queen is a wrinkly old ##### that lives in england and has no relevance to modern Canada
Mind you I was raised in the late 50's early 60's and the Queen looked good then. LOL
Back then, every public school had a huge portrait of the Queen and obedience to her was mandatory. We were reminded of that everyday when the teacher showed us the dollar bill and asked, "Whose head do you see on here? Remember who owns this country"
It's all funny now, but it did exist. I think some of those teachers were Loyalists to the core.
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