LCW or Norinco 7.62x39, Which should I buy (which is better?)


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
Windsor ON
I don't like shooting corrosive ammo through my SKS and VZ58 so I'm wondering on which non-corrosive ammo I should buy (LCW or Norinco new production, copper washed). I've shot the last of my 'Silver Box' Norinco and must say that it was fantastic. If that was available again, I'd buy it - but it doesn't appear that it is. These choices are the same price 'per round', so which is the better ammo for the money? Thanks.




Get a case of each at that price and see which you like best...

Only want to buy one (don't shoot that much and no cash for both)... want to know if the new Norinco is as good as the Silver Box stuff, I'd buy it. Just looking to see if one is cleaner or more reliable than the other. They could very well be the same in those respects.
The LCW HP shoot under 1/2 MOA out of a CZ 527 one group went into the same hole for 3 shots.Unlikely I can repeat that but it happened! Harold
I have all 3 flavours of the Norc stuff. Red box, Silver box and the new production white box.
All are equally the same as to accuracy and all go bang.
I have not tried the LWC stuff so I can't compare.
I would go with the new production white box as it is similar to the silver box.
I have both and found both equally good. The white box definitely non-corrosive ammo. I tested it in a humid environment including out on a boat for 15 hours on the ocean. I did not clean rifle for 4 days no rust on my VZ 58.

I have had one dud in my first 60 rounds of the LCW. No duds with he white box yet but only gone through 80 rounds as well.

The only other comment on the LCW is sometimes one of my converted AK mags to VZ the round will somehow get under the feed ramp ( 2-3 times in 60 rounds) and push the bullet in on the LCW. So far with the Norinco white box with more rounds fired this has not occurred. Maybe lucky?

You can hunt with HP and it's less common than FMJ should you look to sell some stock in the future. Same price as FMJ too. They used to charge more for HP.

The LCW 7.62x39 HP ammo does not look like it is hunt capable, IMO. The hollow point is way too small to be effective. It looks more like a target round to me. I also do not know much about the jacket, but I doubt it is bonded in any way.

Here's a gel test of Brown Bear, looks very similar to the LCW. Personally, I would not trust that for hunting.
I believe that even the SP rounds have steel jackets, so expansion is going to stink at the best of times. Buy Hornady for huntin'.
My SKS maintains better accuracy with the LCW. Better groups with LCW but not by much. I've shot a crate of the Norinco stuff and never had an issue.
I'm testing my 2014 white box ammo just to be sure. It's taken a couple of days to show results because of the hot dry air around here! So just checked again and the 2014 white box is non-corrosive . My older eastern bloc ammo is showing signs of corrosion on both nails.
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