Truth abou Target/Grange's 3-week Ontario CFO LATT processing time.


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Well, since I can't get hold of anyone that can do anything for me(email/phone/PM), I am going to try here for my luck.

When I passed probation shoot, I was told that my full membership starts right away, but it would take around 3 weeks for Ontario CFO to process my ATT, since I only have restricted, it means either I have to waste 3 weeks membership or pay the insane ammo price to use the range guns, either way it will cost me extra money that are not suppose to happen.

Well, I decided to bite the bullet and wait. Now 3 weeks passed, when I called CFO, they told me that they have never received my application from B.J., AND there is NOTHING PENDING from Target/Grange! Even worse, CFO told me that all it takes is an email and they can process it right way!!!! So, B.J. has been sitting on my application for the whole time. Is that the reason "it takes 3 weeks to process??!!!"

Are there anyone else wating for the LATT? Somebody from the club owes me an explaination on how this process works because it is wasting me money. :mad:
how long have you been waiting? Just went back to check my record, I actually have been waiting for a whole month! the day I passed the accuracy shoot was Nov 19. this is ridiculous.

Good luck getting Customer Service from them. They are terrible. I am looking elsewhere for a membership.
I would never spend money in that place. $600 to use their small range that is incredibly busy on weekends, the only time I could go. What a waste. Ask for your money back and go elsewhere.
My club turned mine around in 4 days.

I have been to Target Sports just buying parts. Once in a while, you get a guy that doesn't suck as bad as the rest.
May I ask which club are you guys in? I may have to start looking. I live in north york and prefer not to spend 1.5 to 2 hours on the road for this.
To be fair, the staff @ Target are pretty good. I have been dealing with a few different person during my probation. They have all been very professional and patient with me. So far what frustrate me the most are all the ridiculous rules and processes that seems to be company policy/culture related, or just poor management.

Target distinguishes it from all other non-profit clubs for being a full corporation. Then they should act like one because we are not only members, but also customers with certain expectation on service. With the price like this, the service is definitely far from acceptable.
The action shooting crew there was a blast however. Everything else there was not very impressive. It took them 3 weeks to do my initial ATT which was just a transfer from another club. Then the whole club's ATT's expired and then they cocked up my renewal. So I was without an ATT for an additional 6 weeks. Join an actual club, it is worth jumping through the hoops and going through the probational programs. It is a good way to meet other members, and you will benefit from coaching during that period.
Hi Kevin, if you read my post carefully, the first thing I said was "Well, since I can't get hold of anyone that can do anything for me(email/phone/PM), I am going to try here for my luck.".
there have been multiple attempts for emails and phone calls, except PM only once. No reply for email. B.J. has not been in office, even the staff has no way to reach him and can only leave notes in his office because he somehow is not working regular hours and doesn't come in every day. Is that reasonable enough to justify my post here? how wrong is that?

Perhaps you should contact the store directly instead of spouting off on the internet first?

Seems like you have gone about this entirely the wrong way.
Perhaps you should contact the store directly instead of spouting off on the internet first?

Seems like you have gone about this entirely the wrong way.

I disagree.

Other potential members deserve to be warned about shady activities. It's a good reason to read these forums.

Someone reading this just saved $600. Maybe a few people in fact.
Hi Kevin, if you read my post carefully, the first thing I said was "Well, since I can't get hold of anyone that can do anything for me(email/phone/PM), I am going to try here for my luck.".
there have been multiple attempts for emails and phone calls, except PM only once. No reply for email. B.J. has not been in office, even the staff has no way to reach him and can only leave notes in his office because he somehow is not working regular hours and doesn't come in every day. Is that reasonable enough to justify my post here? how wrong is that?

I did read it carefully, should have made my point clearer in my post.

I agree, not returning phone calls or email is not cool, but I am talking about just going in to the place and talking to them directly if for some reason you can't get them on the horn. No need to claim shady practices (not addressing you directly here) until you actually have some confirmation. Not attacking or defending them, just my opinion that you should actually confirm that something has gone wrong, and give them a chance to make it right before posting negative comments. Perhaps I am out of touch about how I should be treating local businesses though.
Again, please read all my post carefully. I do believe I have been very objective and reasonable, instead of just spouting off here. Otherwise, I wouldn't wait for a whole month for it.
Did you see I said "all the staff I have dealing with are very professional and patient"? This would apply to both personal interaction and phone conversations. This is a positive thing that would attract customers. NOT a negative spouting out, right?
Since based on my positive personal experience with all the staff so far, would it be a common sense that I would/should give them some credit/trust when they tell me that B.J. is not in the office regularly, no way to contact him and they did leave note for me in his office??? And how, by going in there in person, would change the fact that B.J. wouldn't be in the office that day? By doing that, not only it means I don't trust the people I will be dealing with on weekly basis, but also just plain stupid to waste more time and money going there even knowing B.J. won't be in the office. The whole problem is now he is UNREACHABLE, like felt off the face of the earth. What can I do to change that??!! Is this the way running business? Everything ties to one person and he will disappear randomly with no backup and no one know where he is??!! How can I change that by going into the store?

I did read it carefully, should have made my point clearer in my post.

I agree, not returning phone calls or email is not cool, but I am talking about just going in to the place and talking to them directly if for some reason you can't get them on the horn. No need to claim shady practices (not addressing you directly here) until you actually have some confirmation. Not attacking or defending them, just my opinion that you should actually confirm that something has gone wrong, and give them a chance to make it right before posting negative comments. Perhaps I am out of touch about how I should be treating local businesses though.
$600 for a one-year membership or am I missing something here?

If that's correct, I just realized how lucky I am. I pay $90 a year at my club, have a key to gate and can shoot anytime during daylight except Sunday mornings...
Wow.. this is worse than I got so far.(knocking on the woods). I don't mind the probation at all with the reason you stated. would you mind give me some suggestions on the "actual club" I might be able to join, PM if it's against rules as I am still new here. thanks

The action shooting crew there was a blast however. Everything else there was not very impressive. It took them 3 weeks to do my initial ATT which was just a transfer from another club. Then the whole club's ATT's expired and then they cocked up my renewal. So I was without an ATT for an additional 6 weeks. Join an actual club, it is worth jumping through the hoops and going through the probational programs. It is a good way to meet other members, and you will benefit from coaching during that period.
Technically, the price is ok IF the service matches up because it is NOT a non-profit club like most of clubs these days. members just come and shoot, no need to donate any time for cleaning, picking up brass etc. As a rather lazy guy, I also like the electric retriever so that I don't have to go down range to hang my targets. The ranges are short, but are meant for pistols which are all I want to play with. so, it's ok. just that big IF really bothers me now.
for $90, I assume you do have to do some of the chores, right? And since you mentioned daylight, I assume it's outdoor. can you really shoot in the winter really cold days? this is an indoor range with year round access.
so, @Kevin, am I spouting off now or what?

$600 for a one-year membership or am I missing something here?

If that's correct, I just realized how lucky I am. I pay $90 a year at my club, have a key to gate and can shoot anytime during daylight except Sunday mornings...
I've been with a number of ranges over the years, purely for non-restricted. When the time came about, I decided to take it indoors, and keep things local. As I have a crazy work schedule, it took me almost a year to work through my probationary shoots. Hospital keeps me downtown during the week, and they don't run on weekends.

Their probationary period is a dream; as it should be. If I had to run the usual BS, it would have taken me years to complete. Each time I went in, the staff were amazing. Not only were they great guys to have run me through the paces, but they were helpful, insightful, and highly accessible.

So, I finished my shoots, and waited for BJ to message. On my last shoot I was told a warm 'welcome', and that they'd be in touch over the next couple weeks. So, 3 weeks later I'm told to come and pick up my membership, pass, and LTATT was waiting for me. I actually asked for clarification on that one - and asked some random questions - and BJ was a gent.

I know that when there is money on the table, we all get a bit of an itch. It took me a great number of years to understand that sometimes things take a little more time; sometimes people get caught up; sometimes work gets prioritized. Heck, how long has it taken you to fix that *INSERT PROJECT HERE* for the wife??

Patience is a virtue.

At the end of the day, people may not agree with what I have to say. That's fine. But we all knew what we were getting into. That's the nature of the game. Even if you had to wait for 3 months, you'd still have your ATT faster than most clubs that'll make you shoot as a probee for 6 months, and observe every BS shooting sport around.

If you don't like how it's done, don't go there. Don't like how expensive it is, don't pay it. It's no value shop - that's for sure - but neither is that bourgeois car, watch, gun, or meal. All a matter of choice and taste. Me, I'm partial, so thanks Target and the folks at The Grange.

Also, Merry Christmas, guys!
I shoot at 3 clubs that I'm a member of. 2 are outdoor and 1 indoor. I have never done "probation" at any of them. This is in the Hamilton area. My indoor range is brand new with target retrievers etc. it cost $199 and got a 1/2 hour club orientation.
$600 for a one-year membership or am I missing something here?

If that's correct, I just realized how lucky I am. I pay $90 a year at my club, have a key to gate and can shoot anytime during daylight except Sunday mornings...

The farther the range is from the GTA the cheaper it gets. You're all the way out in Meaford. What range do you go to? Target/Grange is the most expensive I've seen when I was shopping around for a club. I think Galt is second. And then comes ranges like Silverdale, Burlington, and pretty much everything else. I kind of agree with the OP on this though. For the amount being paid and the fact that they advertise that they are not like other gun ranges, I too would expect a little more promptness. The only acceptable explanation I may accept is if this BJ guy went on xmas vacation early or something. Even then, there should be at least a backup person taking care of things while the primary guy is away. Thanks for the post, at least I know even Target/Grange will screw up once and a while...and yes, this thread did save me $600.
Well, that WAS what it was worth and what I was willing to pay/wait.
Now the fact is that after a whole month, the ATT application was never even sent to CFO. This is not just a matter of money. It's not being responsible to say the least. And with Christmas fast approaching, I could be easily looking at after new year.

If it takes a month to get an ATT then patience = $50
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