Web site sucks

I've never bought from them yet so I'm not just a fan boy but to be honest I kind of like the new site and don't have trouble navigating it, but maybe that's just me. I find their sites one of the easier to navigate. If you are having trouble with it maybe message them directly rather than posting about it like this in an open form?
If you have ever dealt with can am you would know that they are awesome in so many ways, like contributing to this site, excellent deals, excellent customer service.....
There new website isnt perfect, but a 3am rant about it shows poor taste. IMHO
I'm not usually a negative person but I used to go to the CanadaAmmo site every day. Impulse buys were a normal occurrence. I just don't go anymore. The website doesn't work for me at work and thats where I do most of my online shopping.
I'm not usually a negative person but I used to go to the CanadaAmmo site every day. Impulse buys were a normal occurrence. I just don't go anymore. The website doesn't work for me at work and thats where I do most of my online shopping.

That is another form of gun control!

However at least they made an effort.
Web site seem to work fine for me, I'm using Chrome. Of course, they filter everything by caliber, including scopes and bipods, lol....
If you have ever dealt with can am you would know that they are awesome in so many ways, like contributing to this site, excellent deals, excellent customer service.....
There new website isnt perfect, but a 3am rant about it shows poor taste. IMHO

Ever hear of time zones ?
Southern Ont is not the center of the universe :rolleyes:
Website is AWFUL. Does not work on my phone no matter what browser i use. I have galaxy s5 so its not like my phone is crap or anything.

There is so much fail in this comment that I am not sure what to start with... perhaps with the fact that there's no decent Android-based browser? Or that a phone's 5.1" screen is not actually intended for practical browsing beyond watching a tiny video or reading a text box? Seriously... a phone is a social networking device, not a web browsing platform like a tablet, laptop or PC. Talk, text, watch. Nothing more. You might as well complain that your Ford Escort can't carry a fridge in the trunk.
There is so much fail in this comment that I am not sure what to start with... perhaps with the fact that there's no decent Android-based browser? Or that a phone's 5.1" screen is not actually intended for practical browsing beyond watching a tiny video or reading a text box? Seriously... a phone is a social networking device, not a web browsing platform like a tablet, laptop or PC. Talk, text, watch. Nothing more. You might as well complain that your Ford Escort can't carry a fridge in the trunk.

That would depend on the size of the fridge
There's always the roof option for transport :rolleyes:

I made my last 3 purchases with my android phone and had absolutely zero issues. In fact, it was disturbingly easy! I don't think CanAm should be blamed for moving forward with technology. Like all new things it just takes some getting used to. I like It. But if you are having trouble with you dial up, Windows 3, or your Netscape browser you just might want to start thinking about an upgrade.
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