How long before sks disappear from market?


Expired Business Member
How long do you think before sks rifles disappear from market 3 year? 5 year or 10 years.
And what will be the price of them then?

You mean more coming in? Because the floor that people already have will be here forever.

I could see the price eventually hitting $500 and it wouldn't be a bad deal even then.
I know demand and supply curve that is on the market right now. I want to know what people think. I want to read this thread in 3 years and see if I was right.
I sell the guns so other 450 dealers in Canada. Marketing or not I just want to know


Stirring the pot on the market for the product that you sell?

Creative marketing effort?
They will probably be banned long before the importers run out. Shoot them while you can before they are the price of scrap metal. We have the best case government right now and look where it got us...
How long do you think before sks rifles disappear from market 3 year? 5 year or 10 years.
And what will be the price of them then?


I bought my 1st about 5 yrs ago. They were plentiful and cheaper than now. There were Tulas and Izzies from shooter grade to unrefurb'd to unissued/unrefurb'd.

Now you see mainly shooters at a higher price.
In 3 to 5 yrs they'll probably be hard to find and relatively expensive...unless a warehouse full of 'em is discovered somewhere in eastern Europe.
Using the Lee Enfield as historical approx 700 years.

That's an interesting comparison.
Wikipedia says (ya, ya...I know) that 17 million Enfields were produced vs 15 million SKS carbines.
Enfields were once plentiful and dirt cheap. That certainly has changed over the last few decades.
That's an interesting comparison.
Wikipedia says (ya, ya...I know) that 17 million Enfields were produced vs 15 million SKS carbines.
Enfields were once plentiful and dirt cheap. That certainly has changed over the last few decades.

Total produced isn't a great comparison if they are in other parts of the world.
The cycle of surplus will only last so long, and the price will go up when supply dwindles. Look at K98, Lee Enfields, Garands, and M14s. It does not take a genius to understand the market. Prices will rise at some point.
If the Dippers get elected, and start rumbling about re-classifcation, you won't be able to ship them fast enough to meet demand. The SKS is high on the Miramachi White Shirt list of rifles they'd like to see re-classified.

If any rumbling of that starts, then people will buy as many of them as they can before a registry hits, and like 1/2 the guns in Canada before the first registry, most will simply "disappear."

Bans aside, as a solid semi auto rifle, they're a value at $500 - can't get anything as reliable and robust for anywhere near that $$ new (closest contender would be the mini-30, which runs twice the price). When the import market evaps, they'll hit the $500-$700 range, which is what they're approaching south of the border where new imports long ago got banned.

Much higher than that? Probably not. Getting past that price, it becomes easier to step up and buy a new rifle for not much more $$.
There should be another similar value surplus rifle that surfaces and replaces the Self loading Simonov Karbine by then...
Don't the Chinese still have the tooling and can make a run of them whenever they want? I've had a Chinese SKS for 20 years and it's gone through thousands and thousands of rounds without much fuss.
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