Are you allowed to fire military surplus ammo in the range ?

I don't have any issues firing it at my local ranges.
I would check with the ranges you attend to make sure it is not one of there rules.

There are signs on the door to the rifle range that say no steel core or jacketed ammo in the range is allowed.
That 7.62 x 39 ammo that you can buy for $199/1120 rounds is steel cored and punches through the backstop. It also causes sparks and once this started a fire in the rifle bay-- almost burned the place down.
Outdoor ranges are usually ok to use this ammo at, but not indoor ones.
The biggest issue is damage to the (expensive and very important) backstop. As stated, as long as you cannot stick a magnet to your bullets we will let you shoot it in the range.

If you are unsure simply ask any staff member and we'd gladly check your ammo for you.
Steel core or steel jacket? A magnet will pick up either, and you won't know which you have. There are softpoint bullets which use plated steel jackets. Can't see that a steel jacket would be any harder on a backstop than a guilding metal one.
two issues:
1) damage to the backstop
2) fire hazard

Steel core or steel jacket? A magnet will pick up either, and you won't know which you have. There are softpoint bullets which use plated steel jackets. Can't see that a steel jacket would be any harder on a backstop than a guilding metal one.

Steel jackets likely won't affect the backstop, but they could cause sparks, which in turn, could start a fire.
We are concerned with what the magnet does to the BULLET! Steel cases are fine as they have no impact on our backstop or baffles.

If a magnet sticks to the bullet you cannot shoot it here!

this is one of my main issues when considering buying a membership at TSE. I mainly shoot 7.62x39. is there a source for "cheap" ammo that could be fired indoors.
this is one of my main issues when considering buying a membership at TSE. I mainly shoot 7.62x39. is there a source for "cheap" ammo that could be fired indoors.

Define "cheap".
You can get soft point 7.62 x 39 ammo made by Prvi Partizan from some gun shops, but it cost me $18 per 20 rounds last time I found some at P&D in Edmonton. Never seen any in Calgary.
I guess you could get some brass and reload it with lead bullets, but that surplus stuff is berdan primed and can't be reloaded--- good luck.
If a guy was really really desperate I am sure you could pick up a mould to make some lead bullets.....but assuming its semi auto that would be some mad bullet making and loading especially when you will likely only find half you casings after they eject halfway across the room LOL
Do like the rest of us do. Shoot the hell outta the outdoor range when its nice out and shoot your other guns at TSE when the weather sucks...... you do have other guns dont you? :kickInTheNuts: if not go to TSE they will help you :D
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