Jamming Outlaw Double Barrel Shotgun


My Dominion Arms Outlaw shotgun is a load of fun to shoot, and I love it, but after every shot I cant get it to open up smoothly, instead I have to break it over my knee like an old piece of wood to get it to open, then I have to pull the spent shells out with a fair bit of force to free them from the chamber. Mind you I don’t have this problem with live unspent shells, the gun works optimally with them. the problem only occurs after I fire it.
Is this normal for a Dom. arms outlaw or can this be fixed. I sure hope it can be, because its killing all the fun.:(
Mine does the same with the shells i buy from Walmart.Try a good box of shells. Maybe high brass ones.
My Dominion Arms Outlaw shotgun is a load of fun to shoot, and I love it, but after every shot I cant get it to open up smoothly, instead I have to break it over my knee like an old piece of wood to get it to open, then I have to pull the spent shells out with a fair bit of force to free them from the chamber. Mind you I don’t have this problem with live unspent shells, the gun works optimally with them. the problem only occurs after I fire it.
Is this normal for a Dom. arms outlaw or can this be fixed. I sure hope it can be, because its killing all the fun.:(

Try better rounds, Cheap ones do the same in mine.
Same for mine with Cheapy Canadian Tire stuff. Makes me look like a wuss but well worth it. I just have to work on holding the damn thing properly so I don't have to aim at the feet to hit the head :)
seriously guys, stop with the advice, I'd really like to swap my hp9-1 for an outlaw.... please post more 'gee I dunno, sounds broken you should try and dump it on some greenhorn' type advice.

seriously guys, stop with the advice, I'd really like to swap my hp9-1 for an outlaw.... please post more 'gee I dunno, sounds broken you should try and dump it on some greenhorn' type advice.


"Gee, i dunno...". Good? Now go get an outlaw!
If you want to go on with cheaper ammo,you have to get the rear half inch of your chambers polished out a bit...I have a Norinco that had the same problem-spits out cheap shells well now.
My Norinco double coach gun did the same thing. I wrapped the bore brush with steel wool wet it down with WD-40 and hooked it to my cordless drill and went at it. Nice shiny chambers. Most cowboy shooters use Winchester AA in their doubles as the empties will literally fall out. Even after a couple of hundred rounds without cleaning the shotgun, I can just break it open, give it a flick to the rear and the empties just fly out. My Norinco also had the problem of stiff opening however, it eventually corrected itself. Hope this helps.
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