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Thread: my HORRIFIC experience at atrs, readers beware

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    my HORRIFIC experience at atrs, readers beware

    So this is my story of how a dealing with atrs (rick more specifically) went “horrific” still can’t sleep from the “horror”.
    First I walked in and caught rick on his lunch break I told him I would wait until he finished his sandwich but rather then finishing it off and making me wait, he put it aside to answer my questions about my rifle and long range shooting. Courteous, humble, polite??? Really since when do you walk in to a gun shop and receive that type of treatment!! Then I asked if he could build me a custom 20 min rail for my rifle he told me a time line in which he would have it finished in, and he finished it ahead of schedule. Really!! Finishing it ahead of schedule??? Come on RICK get with the program. But when I received it, the rail was off, so I sent it back and he build me another rail, and that rail again was uneven. Stumped by this he told me to leave it over the weekend to figure it out, and the problem turned out to be from the manufacturer of the rifle (the milling on the action was off to be specific so when the rail was tightened it bent the rail out of shape), so he built me a third rail, then he took my rings, my scope set up my rifle so that I would not have any cross tension on my scope and made sure the rifle would function properly. NOW after all of this and feeling bad for wasting almost a week of his time, I asked him how much do I owe for the extra services plus the 2 extra rails, DO YOU KNOW WHAT HE SAID, THE NERVE THIS GUY HAS. He said we both LEARNED something from this and he didn’t charge me a penny more. REALLY?!! Damn you for your great service, Damn you for making me a loyal customer!!!
    This is just a warning to all those who are looking for ####ty service do not I repeat do not got to atrs, Rick might just be having one of his days and treat you like a customer should be treated, even though I wasn’t dropping thousands of dollars, I was treated like I was.
    I wish I had thousands of dollars to spend, because I know where I would spend it all.
    Last edited by alberta tactical rifle; 03-30-2017 at 01:09 PM.

  2. #2
    CGN Regular cuto85's Avatar
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    Rick for PM.


    Wanted to say I talked to Rick on the phone the other day. I didn't know it was him till about 3/4 of the way through the call. I was blown away that this guy was willing to shoot the #### for a few minutes about some long range things and custom components. It seemed as if he was excited to talk to me about it, completely enthused. When I learned it was Rick I was shocked... mainly because this guy was willing to talk like a friend unknowing of whether or not I've ever done business with him.

    I know a lot of you think the treatment I got to even a simple phone call I got was standard. Rest assured it's not... It's nice to not get a demeaning attitude from a "Know-it-all" dealer. Especially for someone in there first few years of the game.

    Last edited by cuto85; 08-28-2011 at 04:34 AM.

  3. #3
    CGN frequent flyer peter2772000's Avatar
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    Woulda been a more pleasant read if you'd thrown in a few paragraphs, but funny just the same. Kudos to ATRS. My buddy Kris purchased a $10k rifle from them about a yr ago, I was very impressed with their work!
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  4. #4
    CGN Regular
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I'm sorry to hear that???

    Nice, I hear that those guys have really good service

  5. #5
    CGN Regular Shepb's Avatar
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    Rick, congrats on a job well done!!

  6. #6
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer
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    The nerve of that guy... Glad to hear there are actually people in this world that still care about customer service (other than me of course).

    Glad to hear you got what you wanted, for a great price and had a great experience out of it.
    Don't take anything I say too seriously, my sarcasm doesn't always come through in my typing.
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  7. #7
    CGN frequent flyer emilio613's Avatar
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    The NERVE! I can't believe this...I'd be furious too...I'd be furious enough to march down there, cold beers in case, and demand that Rick share a few with me.

    Sounds like a good guy to deal with

  8. #8
    Super GunNutz UR2X3M4ME's Avatar
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    I still tremble and shiver from reading your traumatizing experience. I truly sympathize with the troubles you went through and more importantly, I'm glad your standing up against this kind of abuse. Totally unacceptable, it makes me sick too

    Such business attitude must be neutralized before it contaminates the rest of the World. As soon as I get a break on the credit card, I will personally slap Rick/ATRS with a huge order. That will teach him.

    Quote Originally Posted by DrXenon View Post
    What do you need a brake on a 5.56mm firearm for? You should just slip a maxipad under your bra strap to dampen the hellish recoil.
    Spock to Kirk:
    "Logic dictates Captain. If Pro-Gunners are as violent as Anti-Gunners say they are, there would not be any Anti-Gunners left."

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Customer Service

    ......... They don't have any handguns.

    Glad I received your early warning about their service.
    They could never satisfy me; I'll stay away from them.
    Give them more time to mistreat the rifle guys.

  10. #10
    Newbie Buck.JR's Avatar
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    Nice to see a good guy get credit for something he does:D

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