website soon?

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CGN Ultra frequent flyer
Seriously, "coming soon" for a couple of years now? If I had that much trouble finding someone to build a simple website to even SHOW what you sold, not to even buy from, I'd move shop. C'Mon guys, do you have ANY idea how much money you are losing daily without a site to browse??? Chop Chop, pitter patter, lets get at her!!!! Poppa has money to spend...............
Truly not trying to slag them. Just light a fire under they're arse. Maybe 1% of the gun/accessory buying public would actually call up a store that has no website, and start randomly asking if they have "this , or that", the rest of us say "No website???? WTF" and just buy elsewhere.
I WANT JOBROOK FIREARMS to get a website. Doesn't have to be fancy. Just something to post pics up. We need all the stores we can get. The other guys up top with working websites are getting too much of my money. I think JOBROOK FIREARMS needs some extra cash too. Anyone know of a web designer that does decent work for decent money?? Or can JBF buy and use an existing "template" of a similar website they like and "buy it" so its like a plug and play website????
Any CGN'ers out there that are super tech savvy that could help these good people get "worldwide"???? If our retailers don't get exposure, we could eventually end up losing them to those bastard big box stores.
Truly not trying to slag them. Just light a fire under they're arse. Maybe 1% of the gun/accessory buying public would actually call up a store that has no website, and start randomly asking if they have "this , or that", the rest of us say "No website???? WTF" and just buy elsewhere.
I WANT JOBROOK FIREARMS to get a website. Doesn't have to be fancy. Just something to post pics up. We need all the stores we can get. The other guys up top with working websites are getting too much of my money. I think JOBROOK FIREARMS needs some extra cash too. Anyone know of a web designer that does decent work for decent money?? Or can JBF buy and use an existing "template" of a similar website they like and "buy it" so its like a plug and play website????
Any CGN'ers out there that are super tech savvy that could help these good people get "worldwide"???? If our retailers don't get exposure, we could eventually end up losing them to those bastard big box stores.

Canadian firearms retailers have notoriously bad websites and online support, they fail to realise the missed business. This is why you see the stores with the nice big websites, e.g. wolverine, pulling in a lot of business online.
Yup... I don't really buy from places that don't have a website, or if it looks half ass'd.

I don't really get why it's so hard for them to get a site up and running, even if they had put a notice saying please call or send an email to place an order, that's way better than not having a site... and armtac *cough* *cough*, you guys are guilty too
No kidding. There are so many free website creation tools online that are pretty self explanatory. You can have a site up and running in hours with pics and info

Hi Guys

yes it has been a while, I have maybe the worst luck with web designers, I have a new lady now who is great, she has the site close to where I can put items in etc.

I own and run a store front store... we now have roughly 5000 square feet of building, plus my storage and messy office!

I have put the store first, I bought this store 5 years ago, it opened in 1975, since I bought it , I have more or less doubled my sales, which I feel are decent for my trade area. I am quite proud of this, please dont bash me or feel you know me well enough to even comment.

AS for living in my moms basement, if you care to drop by I will defintely give you a tour of my business and my home if this validates my present here on Gun Nutz..
Whoa there billy, we are getting way off track here. This is only meant to be a little bump in the "to do list" of JBF. I don't want people personally insulting the man. I just didn't understand why it has taken so long for the website.
Now I see. Just wanted him to know that there are lots of us "see it- buy it" type of guys just waiting to spend money. I fervently support our dealers on this site. I just thought it was not the best way to spend his CGN dealer fee , as he certainly isn't generating the volume of sales he could be with a proper site.
He obviously is operating at top speed for the business , as he is still in business.
I am glad for the update, and wanted him to know that I will certainly spend my money at his store when his site is up and running.
Good luck and I hope your store is a big success.
Sorry if the thread degenerated into a personal bashfest. It was not my intention. I only wanted to generate some ideas , and to find out if someone among us could help get a site up and running. It is a big family after all, isn't it?
Ok, sorry about the rant. Deleted original post and I shouldn't have gone off on such a tangent. I appologise to Travis for being rude and won't let that happen again. I will encourage you to get something up and running soon so that I can buy something to support you so that there are no hard feelings.

I've only ever heard good things about the way Jo Brooks does business. And who knows, with Harper's new bill impinging on our freedom to search the internet, perhaps online shopping for firearms is not the wisest choice, and we should be shopping at our local stores. Any comments on that?
Yes, I'll reply. Thats silly. No bill will be passed that negates the importance of E-comerce or that would steer me in anyway away from browsing firearms online. I personally wouldn't have as many guns and "wanted" guns if it werent for the ability to browse all the different dealers websites. The origional posts meaning is being completely missed at this point. Simply, customers want a website for JB so they can browse their items = tapping into a huge online market. There should be no negtive posts, just re-enforcement that customers would love to spend money and a website will help this... which in turn will be most definately helping JB.
Ok, sorry about the rant. Deleted original post and I shouldn't have gone off on such a tangent. I appologise to Travis for being rude and won't let that happen again. I will encourage you to get something up and running soon so that I can buy something to support you so that there are no hard feelings.



The words of a good man
JB, is there a reasonable time frame I can look forward to seeing your site up and running. 3 months? 6 months? I have heard nothing but good about your personal service, thats why I was being such a shyte disturber in the first place, being so far up north, I rely on websites to do my shopping, and I want to spend my money at your place. I also rely on personal accounts of happy shoppers, so ..........chop chop !!! :)
I can have a fully functional site depositing money from sales directly into your bank account within 4 hours, start to finish, no joke. This stuff is EASY. And stop using zencart because its free, it looks SO cheap.
I've only ever heard good things about the way Jo Brooks does business. And who knows, with Harper's new bill impinging on our freedom to search the internet, perhaps online shopping for firearms is not the wisest choice, and we should be shopping at our local stores. Any comments on that?

I like supporting local stores, however some people don't have the luxury of handling the desired firearms or tactical gear that some stores offer.... For example, here in Ottawa, there isn't much choice if I wanted to purchase a new handgun. So shopping elsewhere online is the easiest, especially for finding the best price. I could call each store to see what they have in stock and for how much, but did you want to pay my phone bill?

Point being, an online presence has now become a must now a days, for price checks, to stock counts.... I even use websites to take a look at what I wish I could afford or help plan my next project. If you don't have an online site, then there's a lot of customer traffic that you'll miss out on
I think they haven't launched a site yet because they wouldn't be able to keep up with all the business it would generate. Seriously these guys have better prices than most CGN dealers and both the box stores in MB, you just don't know it if you don't shop at their store since they don't advertise much. Never mind the awesome service...
I too am looking forward to their website as they are fairly close to where I live and work. I would much rather purchase from the small dealer with good service and pay a little more than from a big box store with crap service and no inventory... I'm sure when the site is up it will be all that we have been waiting for. Best of luck!

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