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Thread: Question about your chest rig.

  1. #1
    CGN Regular
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Question about your chest rig.

    Why are the rear set of x-harness attachment points on the bottom of the panel , not the top of the panel?

  2. #2
    CGN Regular PrimeWelder's Avatar
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    lol nutnfancy? is that you?

  3. #3
    Business Member badboybeeson's Avatar
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    East ontario
    holy 1980,s batman where did you find that relic!! i have not see somethink like that is years!!!

  4. #4
    Expired Business Member
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    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
    Mr. FTW Syntax,

    Our early MULES MK1 versions had the pick up points up high. We changed it on the MULES MK2 verions based on customer feed back. We had some sagging when the the chest rig was heavily loaded. The lower pick up points definately distribute the load better.

    On the latest version we have added even more adjustment so that you can wear the rig up high, chest style or down low, waist style.

    Yours is a MK2 version, allowing you to mount ALICE or MOLLE. The Mark 1 version would only mount ALICE.

    Kind Regards
    Brian Kroon
    Last edited by DropZone; 02-20-2012 at 03:10 PM. Reason: additonal information

  5. #5
    CGN Regular
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    Jul 2011
    Customer Feed Back:

    I was looking at the other chest rigs on the market and noticed that they all had the rear pick ups attaching at the top. I was just wondering If they were put on the bottom for a reason --- you clarified that point.

    Sagging seams to still occur especially if worn very low on the body (american style). If worn very high, traditional chest rig style this sagging is greatly reduced. It seems like it is rotating forward and opening up toward the top front of the rig instead of being snug to the body.

    To reduce the canting, I think that each front shoulder attachment point should be brought one inch inward. The inner side of the shoulder strap attachment points would be very close to the zippered pocket.

    Side view if anyone is interested.

    Overall it seems like no weight is being transferred to the shoulder straps and all the weight is being transferred to the waist strap and if one tries to tighten the should straps enough so that weight is transferred to the shoulder straps then the bottom side of the rig starts to curl up wards from the rear. As seen here:


    On the other hand!

    The build quality and construction of the chest rig is superb!

    YKK zippers and Duraflex buckles --- check!
    Metal attachment points --- check!
    Molle is properly spaced --- check!
    Double or more stitching --- check!

    As you can see I am running two alice mag pouches. It also fits most belt mount pouches, such a my Fenix flashlight and Wegner knife pouch.

  6. #6
    Expired Business Member
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    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
    FTW Syntax,

    We can move the the shoulder straps in about an inch without interfering with the zip facing. A caution though. One must consider Neck rub from the shoulder straps if we move the pick up points inward. My production manager agrees with you assessment of one inch and we will do this on all future production.

    Feel free to send yours into us for free modification.

    Kind Regards
    Brian Kroon

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