JohnOne email address


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
Uber Super GunNutz
Southern Ontario

Is your email address still being actively monitored?

I sent two emails over to

- first email on Monday, February 27. 2012

- second email on Monday , March 12. 2012

This was the reply to both.

Email received.
We will process your email as soon as possible,
Thank you for choosing Marstar

However, response to my question and info about my next order has still not been received, and I think that I waited enough?

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I have been trying to get in touch with him at that address for quite a while and his PM on this site and nothing!


Please get in touch with me as well. We need to talk about that FN49 bayonet that was missing from my order a looooong time ago.


After numerous attempts at PM's and emails it seems he doesnt bother to respond unless its a postive email. Have withheld from saying something like this but don't care anymore. Bad service is bad service.
try using bigger text!!!

Hmmm... OK! :p

After numerous attempts at PM's and emails it seems he doesnt bother to respond unless its a postive email. Have withheld from saying something like this but don't care anymore. Bad service is bad service.

Nothing negative about my email to JohnOne, it is just an enquiry about forthcoming order.
Rather cheerful news for him, another thousand dollars from my pocket to his. :)

Is your email address still being actively monitored?

I sent two emails over to

- first email on Monday, February 27. 2012

- second email on Monday , March 12. 2012

This was the reply to both.

Email received.
We will process your email as soon as possible,
Thank you for choosing Marstar

Try using and see where that gets you. He may be away on a trip or something and not replying to personal emails.
Email today is an equivalent to Canada Post... snail mail. We don't need another thread on this, just phone and get it over with. PLEASE LOCK THIS THREAD MODS!

I have done a few personal deals with John.
We have communicated via and/or
Yes, he can be tardy in replying but will always come through - he is a very busy man - patience must be a virtue or head back to the EE.
Originally posted by canuck
I have done a few personal deals with John.
We have communicated via and/or
Yes, he can be tardy in replying but will always come through - he is a very busy man - patience must be a virtue or head back to the EE.

Thanks for reminding me of second email address.

Normally I hear back from him within 2-3 days, one week at the most.

Must be busier than normal, but I know he will come through.

I lost out on M48 deal few months back because I wasn't quick enough, I wanna make sure that I do not repeat that mistake.

Email today is an equivalent to Canada Post... snail mail. We don't need another thread on this, just phone and get it over with. PLEASE LOCK THIS THREAD MODS!

Thanks for coming out.
What it is, and what it is not, and do we need a thread or not, is not for you to judge.
If you are not interested, do not read, and do not reply.

Try using and see where that gets you. He may be away on a trip or something and not replying to personal emails.

Hey there. :wave:

That is exactly what I am thinking.
I have noticed that he posted a thread yesterday IIRC, so figured that he might be able to read this one as well.

I am using this thread to communicate with him, not complain about Marstar... they are good in my books on all counts. :)
Thanks for reminding me of second email address.

Normally I hear back from him within 2-3 days, one week at the most.

Must be busier than normal, but I know he will come through.

I lost out on M48 deal few months back because I wasn't quick enough, I wanna make sure that I do not repeat that mistake.

Thanks for coming out.
What it is, and what it is not, and do we need a thread or not, is not for you to judge.
If you are not interested, do not read, and do not reply.

Hey there. :wave:

That is exactly what I am thinking.
I have noticed that he posted a thread yesterday IIRC, so figured that he might be able to read this one as well.

I am using this thread to communicate with him, not complain about Marstar... they are good in my books on all counts. :)

He always seems to respond when he sees I've posted in one of his threads :D
I e mailed him in Dec. 2010 about a few of his collection he was selling and received a reply 14 weeks later with some of the ones I wanted gone.When I cancelled the order his reply was that he was pissed with me.I have purchased from his company in the past but because of this he has lost a customer.
I e mailed him in Dec. 2010 about a few of his collection he was selling and received a reply 14 weeks later with some of the ones I wanted gone.When I cancelled the order his reply was that he was pissed with me.I have purchased from his company in the past but because of this he has lost a customer.

A post like that would usually get a immediate response from him in his usual bold condescending manner .
He must be sick or out of the country :D
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