Gibbs' Springfield 1903-A4 WWII Sniper Recreation... Can you get them?

I figured enough drooling in the 2012 SHOTSHOW Section of the threads on these beauties. Its about time we would all like to see if a dealer would be willing to bring these up for us Gunnutz... :dancingbanana:


IF we could keep the pricing reasonable... (Id say SUB $1500CDN) as they retail for about $1000USD (because you have to have all the good 'ol import/export/etc etc. fees :mad::bangHead::D)... as from what Ive seen these things can shoot very well (for what it is folks... its not an Accuracy International, PGW, or Barrett :D) and Id bet they would make a pretty cool hunting rig thats for sure, out Bambi hunting in the day, and watch some Band of Brothers at night, its a win-win Id say :D

Who else would be interested in one of these also? If we get enough interest Im sure we can see these in Canada!!! Armtac you better be listening!!! :D :dancingbanana:
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I have one on order at A.I.M.. I plan to bring it in with the help of Prophet River Firearms who say they can do it and it should not be a problem. Talk to both of these parties and you should be o.k.. Then again. If someone around here could bring them in at a reasonable price, well, I'd like to see that.
I agree definitely, and Im hoping Armtac will be able to bring these up for us at a reasonable cost, as I too am also looking at solo-importation if Armtac is unable to bring them up, It would just be nice to have a Canadian dealer for these awsome rifles thats for sure! :D
We are getting the price from the manufacturer and ETA, I don;t think it will be $1500, more like $1300 or less hopefully.
I got to shoot one at Silverdale a few weeks back and it was alot of fun :). The Guy paid about 1500 and had it imported via prophet river. So save up boys :).
I got to shoot one at Silverdale a few weeks back and it was alot of fun :). The Guy paid about 1500 and had it imported via prophet river. So save up boys :).

Oh it wouldlnt bother me one bit, Id pay $1500 for one, from how these things can shoot with the right ammunition + the added old school factor as well, worth every penny in my books :D
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