Calgary Shooting Centre BROKEN INTO !!! Oct10/11 - 2012

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sucks for sure, let's hope they find the ppl responsible and the firearms. hopefully this doesn't get blown way out of proportion by media or the general public... I was in there Wednesday night chatting with some of the guys there, good folk at the shop, hoping for the best!!
This is horrible news. My Girlfriend and I made a point to visit this shop while we were in Calgary for labor day. The best customer service ever! We hope whoever is behind the theft is brought to justice.
There's a thread in the news section

The Edmonton Sun:

CALGARY — At least 30 stolen guns are on city streets after a southeast shooting range was ransacked Thursday morning.
A window was shattered at the Calgary Shooting Centre about 4 a.m., police said, and thieves may have used a truck to skirt the metal security to get inside.
“Once inside, the suspects smashed several display cases,” duty inspector Patty McCallum told reporters at police headquarters late Thursday.
McCallum declined to comment on how long the crooks were inside, but said security patrollers responded to the shop at 7130 Fisher Road S.E. shortly after the break-in.
Investigators are withholding what weapons were taken.
Police are now hunting for at least three suspects, but they were unable to give descriptions.
When asked about the possibility it was an inside job, McCallum said “that would be an avenue we are pursuing.”
However, she added, investigators aren’t narrowing their search at this time.
The robbery has authorities alarmed.
Thieves rarely target gun shops, McCallum said, adding: “It’s always a concern to law enforcement agencies when you have several guns taken.”
An official from the Calgary Shooting Centre declined to comment when reached late Thursday.

According to its website, the centre carries “a full line of hand guns, rifles, shotguns, ammunition and accessories.” It also houses shooting lanes and a cinema range.
Police said all firearms were stored properly at the facility.
J.R. Cox, owner of The Shooting Edge Inc., said gun ranges must have alarm systems, house weapons in secure storage and be constantly monitored.
“Most companies go far beyond that,” Cox said.
“We don’t sell cotton candy,” he added. “We’re expected to have as tight of security as possible.”
I for one would be keeping an eye on non-restricted (subtitle: unregistered) section of the EE, for any local calgary sales.

My friend and I've ever visited the store a couple months ago. Good store and lot of good stuff in our opinions. As ratfor mentioned, the stolen non-restricted/restricted firearms could be in the black market not just in Calgary or Alberta, but anywhere by now (figure out how the car at 100-120km/hr within 24hrs can go). So, we need to be vigilant at buying firearms at this time.
This is just upsetting I am a member of this rang the staff is great and the facility is first class good luck guys I hope those who did this are brought to justice
Holly crap that sucks for everyone. My friend just purchased a handgun from them over the phone He is waiting for the paper work to go through with the Firearms Center. I sure hope the gun/serial number he bought isn't one of the guns that were stolen.
...the facility is first class...

If it truly was first class -- at least as far as security was concerned -- I doubt that a robbery would have occurred.

As they admit, they weren't selling cotton candy.

I'm not impressed. All this does is add to the scrutiny/disdain that firearms owners get on a daily basis.
If it truly was first class -- at least as far as security was concerned -- I doubt that a robbery would have occurred.

As they admit, they weren't selling cotton candy.

I'm not impressed. All this does is add to the scrutiny/disdain that firearms owners get on a daily basis.

I can't believe the amount of fail that you managed to fit in less than a paragraph.
Hopefully these guns are not used in future crimes, the video servailance should hopefully help catch them. You should list the firearms that was stolen so we maybe beable to catch the thieves. The employese may have done this. Just saying BC had a story , Toronto ,where the workers at the stores stole firearms, parts and later discovered at crime scenes.
If it truly was first class -- at least as far as security was concerned -- I doubt that a robbery would have occurred.

As they admit, they weren't selling cotton candy.

I'm not impressed. All this does is add to the scrutiny/disdain that firearms owners get on a daily basis.

see my signature
If it truly was first class -- at least as far as security was concerned -- I doubt that a robbery would have occurred.

As they admit, they weren't selling cotton candy.

I'm not impressed. All this does is add to the scrutiny/disdain that firearms owners get on a daily basis.

Super weak post. The cotton candy comment does not originate from the CSC who have not commented to the media at this time. It is from a competing local gun shop and range. Bad guys drove a truck through the front window which was secured by steel bars, alarms go off, security responds. Legally stored guns are taken from locked display cases which are smashed. Bad guys get out before good guys get there. What about this incident would have you think that this is in anyway not reflective of a 'first class facility'...
If it truly was first class -- at least as far as security was concerned -- I doubt that a robbery would have occurred.

As they admit, they weren't selling cotton candy.

I'm not impressed. All this does is add to the scrutiny/disdain that firearms owners get on a daily basis.

No matter how tight your you may think your security is if someone wants they will get in, tell me how would you have had your security if you owned the shop with out makeing it so tight that you deture costomers .
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