Barrett .50 Cal's are available in Canada!

Sorry, I don't really keep up to speed on all firearms availability....But aren't 50 BMG rifles already available in Canada? I know I've seen some for sale in shops and I've shot a couple so why is this remarkable news? :?

it's just kind of an iconic firearm in terms of 50 cal weaponry. more specifically sniper rifles. Much like the m2 .50 cal machine gun, Ak47s, and M16s. it is Iconic to it's particular class and role. Ask someone who knows nothing about guns to name a 50 cal rifle and their response 9 times out of 10 will be Barrett

so my question is. when and how did this happen?
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I've been dreaming of buying one of these since the day I first saw one at my local Ontario gun show, over 25 years ago, and they cost just only a little less then. I gave up all hope of ever owning one, Santa does exist!!!

Seriously though, how long do I have to save funds, when are these expected to penetrate our border and make it into our lowly civilian hands?
:DNext Rifle for Gopher Season . NOT. Anyway Thanks USA and the RCMP for letting the rifle come into Canada. Barrett has a office Edmonton. Albertans who maybe interested can Import the rifle through the office in Edmonton. Sorry Wolverine the prices you post is to high for my middle aged taste. Wolverine has great web site. Would like to make Visit to LOUIS REIL , CUSTER LAST stand COUNTRY.
:DNext Rifle for Gopher Season . NOT. Anyway Thanks USA and the RCMP for letting the rifle come into Canada. Barrett has a office Edmonton. Albertans who maybe interested can Import the rifle through the office in Edmonton. Sorry Wolverine the prices you post is to high for my middle aged taste. Wolverine has great web site. Would like to make Visit to LOUIS REIL , CUSTER LAST stand COUNTRY.

I doubt it. Pelican have an office in Edmonton as well, you cant deal direct with the company. That would piss off the stores that carry there products.
As for Wolverine bieng too expensive? I dont think they are, and there service is second too none!!!
:DNext Rifle for Gopher Season . NOT. Anyway Thanks USA and the RCMP for letting the rifle come into Canada. Barrett has a office Edmonton. Albertans who maybe interested can Import the rifle through the office in Edmonton. Sorry Wolverine the prices you post is to high for my middle aged taste. Wolverine has great web site. Would like to make Visit to LOUIS REIL , CUSTER LAST stand COUNTRY.

Custer's last stand was in Manitoba? No one ever told us.
The US DOS is letting a lot come through now:

- 5.56 OK
- threaded bbls OK
- FH/MB's OK
- Sub 16.1 bbls OK
- 50 BMG ok

so the thing is this - the mfgr has to be a registered exporter and the items have to be exported with approval. Quote from DOS export controls officer - "if your country will allow you to have it, who are we to say you can't". This is a MARKED changed in foreign policy. Don't expect it to last with the re-election. There will be a change in gun laws down south I am willing to bet. How that will affect exports - I don't know. So basically the thing that holds stuff up, is cost and Canadian laws.

Sorry, I don't really keep up to speed on all firearms availability....But aren't 50 BMG rifles already available in Canada? I know I've seen some for sale in shops and I've shot a couple so why is this remarkable news? :?

Becouse its the first time you can get a barret.
Oh man, want one so bad...would it be weird to buy a box of .50 just to have them even though ill probably never own this? Might just take them out and look at them once in awhile.
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