Starline Brass

Any word on when the next shipment of Starline brass is expected??


Hey john,
the latest word from Starline is, that my order is sitting on the dock ready to be shipped, they are just waiting for one more caliber to be made, which should be within next week or so.

I have had 1000 rnds of .44 russian ordered for 8 months!

according to our latest order update (early December 2012) 44 was not coming up but I just checked Starline's web and it is available so I have my fingers crossed for it to be in the shipment coming up in week or so.

So you don't have my order?

Never said we didn't have your order, 44 was not on my list of brass that is coming up in this shipment, that list was supplied in early December and at that time Starline did not have them in stock, looking at there web site they do have it available and I trust it will be included in this shipment

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