Your shop made the paper

..."They are not suitable for hunting, unless the intention is to pump bullets into a forest in the hope that a deer nestled among the trees might be caught napping. Quite the sport."

"The website also features night vision scopes and dummy suppressors (often converted into silencers) Peace researcher Peter Langille notes these accessories are not used in hunting or target practice, but are helpful for killing people quietly after dark from a distance."

Is this lady serious?


i have a good suggestion for what she can go ahead and use a dummy suppressor for.
..."They are not suitable for hunting, unless the intention is to pump bullets into a forest in the hope that a deer nestled among the trees might be caught napping. Quite the sport."

"The website also features night vision scopes and dummy suppressors (often converted into silencers)."

Is this lady serious?
Of course. Don't YOU hunt by dumping a case worth of ammo in random directions in the bush, then going to see what's for dinner? ^^

i have a good suggestion for what she can go ahead and use a dummy suppressor for.
Sadly, lefties enjoy getting butt raped (doesn't matter if it's the government-stripping-your-freedoms kind, or the regular from-a-criminal-invading-your-home kind), so I'm not sure that would be a deterrent. :(
..."They are not suitable for hunting, unless the intention is to pump bullets into a forest in the hope that a deer nestled among the trees might be caught napping. Quite the sport."

"The website also features night vision scopes and dummy suppressors (often converted into silencers)."

Is this lady serious?


i have a good suggestion for what she can go ahead and use a dummy suppressor for.

Somewhat like journalism then; where you pump BS into the minions hoping to catch someone napping while suppressing the truth and silencing those in disagreement. IMHO hunters have it harder. Deer are pretty smart and their hearing isn't selective.
I sent her the following

“I happened to see a large selection of them on display under a glass counter at a sports and hunting store last summer in rural Nova Scotia. That store wasn’t even on the list of Wolverine’s 42 affiliated retail outlets across Canada.
This indicates that Canadian gun control laws are considerably weaker than most of us have been lulled into believing.”

Completely incorrect. A large selection of guns in a place of business that sells them says nothing of gun control laws.

“The website also features night vision scopes and dummy suppressors (often converted into silencers)”

In regards to dummy suppressors; How did you come to this ridiculous conclusion? It certainly isn’t based on factual information.

I thought as a journalist you were supposed to remain objective; however you clearly are using it as a forum to spread your political views via incorrect or sensationalist statements.
Just sent an e-mail thanking her for highlighting a business that support my rights and freedoms, and that I would be placing an order in the next few days.
And it begins..."journalists" looking for some attention through sensationalistic, factualt inaccurate, emotional reporting...I'm sure this is only one of many such "articles" If I owned Wolverine I would be on the phone with my lawyer
If I owned Wolverine I would be on the phone with my lawyer

You should be on the phone now with your lawyer, and your politicians. The day is coming sooner than later where you and all of us are going to have to decide the manner in which we hand over all of our firearms to the powers that be when they come calling. Unless we take a vastly more proactive approach they will be come calling very shortly.
I sent a letter explaining that a moose gun packs way more punch and some shooters are disabled and unable to shoot another style of rifle due to hand or shoulder injurys or are blind and tend to point the barrel up instead of straight.

I also told them that dummy suppresors converted is harder then making one from scratch and send a youtube link to her to prove how easy it's to make and it explains how it works why it works and what happens. (it even explains how it can protect your hearing)

I also sent a video on cowboy action shooting showing that somoene with a 12 ga break action shotgun can really shoot fast even faster then some people with a semi auto.

I also sent a link showing how much the money gun registrey cost and is now saving which could be used in treating people with mental health issuses.

I also sent her links to storys were a person was saved by a firearm from wildlife.

If that doesn't make them think I don't know what will.

I also told her my Grandfather who was a WW2 and Korean war vet told me first hand what the holicost was like when he went into 1 of the camps and saw it. He also explained how only free countrys you can own firearms and if the country ever takes them away you should run away fast.
This is the email I sent to her,

"Do you think guns are the problem? I think the problem is the media and journalist like yourself, you are in a position to write anything you want knowing full well that most people will believe anything they read. So what do you do? You twist around sentences and add
miss-leading information until you have something that instills fear in the common person. This world is driven by fear and although it may be a powerful tool for the media and politicians it is also a dangerous one. Even as I write this I find myself thinking that I should buy another handgun to protect myself from the "assault-style weapon wielding mass murderer" that has slipped through the cracks of the screening system and may be lurking around the next corner."
You should be on the phone now with your lawyer, and your politicians. The day is coming sooner than later where you and all of us are going to have to decide the manner in which we hand over all of our firearms to the powers that be when they come calling. Unless we take a vastly more proactive approach they will be come calling very shortly.

Completely agree!
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