Ishapore FNs : 12(3) or 12(5)?

Classification did not change. I have two 12.5 too. Though if they did, I would be able to buy some 12.3's
I know that some FN FALs are 12(3) but L1A1s and 1A1 are supposed to be 12(5), originaly semi-autos. It's the case for mine. I had a fear that giving a 12(5) to their owners 18 years ago and changing classification of the firearms to 12(3) gave them the right to ask for surrending of the rifle... ;)
Hope laws will change one day.

When people say :- We live in a free country.
i'll tell them:- I dont think so.
if they say :- Why not?
i'll tell them :- Cause automatic weapons are prohibited and many semi autos are phohibited also.

RIP automatics weapons.......
My Ishy is 12-5, but I recall talking to a guy from North Vancouver being told by North Van RCMP that it had to be altered internally somehow.
The trip lever thing had to be ground down and welded in place, IIRC.
So maybe some guns were treated as FA?
When did the FAL go from non-R to R?
I forget when I got mine, but it was R ay that point.
Probably around 1988 or so.
1992 they were made restricted by Kim Campbell and Bill C-17. In 1995 they were made prohibited 12.5 (at least my two) by Allan Rock and Bill C-68.
They went restricted in the early 80s. 1982 give or take, when it was declared a "weapon of war"
In reality it was made restricted when it was pointed out that you could make an FN go full auto by jamming a match stick behind the disconnect .
All FNs except for American made ones are full autos, they just have a semi selector, some of them have had the safety sear taken out too. Thus the confusion between 12.3 and 12.5
Wow, wish I could get a prohib. Someone remind me why Semi Auto only L1A1's are still prohibited? Technically, should the M14's not also be?
Some are 12.2, 12.3 and 12.5.

12.2 made fully auto from the factory. 12.3 fun switch added after and 12.5 semi only..

My Grandfather had the 12.2 version they kept saying o thats a mistake it should be 12.3 and he would explain that he spent 10,000 on lawyers to get his rifle because it was full auto and it was from the Canadian military.
Wow, wish I could get a prohib. Someone remind me why Semi Auto only L1A1's are still prohibited? Technically, should the M14's not also be?

Because they prohibited them by name since they were going to be surplus and cheap so they said you can't have that scary gun.. You can't have a semi auto tompson but you can have more modern firearms that are 100 times better. The laws are silly and messed up in allot of ways.
Some are 12.2, 12.3 and 12.5.

12.2 made fully auto from the factory. 12.3 fun switch added after and 12.5 semi only..

My Grandfather had the 12.2 version they kept saying o thats a mistake it should be 12.3 and he would explain that he spent 10,000 on lawyers to get his rifle because it was full auto and it was from the Canadian military.

You mean had the fun switch taken away after...
Most of the Metric FN-FAL's are listed as 12-3 (I have seen a commercially made semi-auto only FAL listed as 12-3) and most of the L1A1's and 1A1's are 12-5
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