SVT 40 and K98 Bayonet


CGN frequent flyer
Vancouver Canada
I just got offered a lot of 100 SVT 40 and 100 K98 bayonets. Price is not cheap. Retail will be around 200-250 depends on shipping and taxes. Should I bring those in or scrap that idea.
It is not negotiable price so please do not say if they were cheaper I would buy it. I just need to know if I should agree or not. It is Russian capture K98 Bayonet

That is pricey, but "they aren't making them anymore'. If a guy is going to drop that kind of money, Condition condition condition, and choices. If you could sort them by maker or markings, you'll have better acceptance of the prices.
SVTs Bayo will sell forsure and well worth bring in. but the K98 ones would be waist of your money IMO Sergey
Real deal svt 40 bayonet ? I would have to grumble than more than likely but one depending on when your bringing them in
i'm thinking what others said, the SVT bayos will sell at that price, but not the k98's.
We don't like compete with Marstar it is better to work together. I will call John and find out if it is easier to get it from him or get it for him So we don't compete.

We don't like compete with Marstar it is better to work together. I will call John and find out if it is easier to get it from him or get it for him So we don't compete.


Not going to compete with Marstar? That doesn't sound like a good business choice. Plus a little competition is always better for us buyers!
Figures I just bought one, but depending in the final price I might pick up another. I paid $220 shipped to my door from Bulgaria.
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