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Thread: Firearm Ban in Australia - People from USA should see this video

  1. #21
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer kamlooky's Avatar
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    The hardest thing to watch was the sparks from the chop saws.
    I'm surprised they are so complacent and didn't revolt.
    He has a half-tracked mind and unrelenting habit of self aggrandizing.
    Can anyone guess?

  2. #22
    CGN Regular
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnotherCanuck View Post
    Banning semis is silly but I'll stand up and say the USA could use some better licencing.
    Agreed, i personally think the USA could learn a thing or two from our gun laws, in that education, training, and practical demonstration of knowledge and competence should be a requirement to own a firearm, as a minimum...of course the mental health and violence/criminal history checks are a no brainer. In many states, it's perfectly legal to sell a handgun to another person in grocery store parking lot with no paperwork, no identification and no background check. That is what's wrong with their system.

    Canada's problem is what the USA did right, banning guns based on appearance, or functionality...i can understand why select fire military rifles are prohibited, but so what if a gun can be converted to full auto easily...if it's illegal to do so, law abiding legal gun owners won't do it...and why so many restrictions on handguns? sure, make restricted firearms registration manditory, but cut out the transportation bull####...

  3. #23
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer burnaby's Avatar
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    Politician need to concentrate on crime control and NOT gun control. Need to stop distracting from the real task.
    Revolvers RULE; remember that next time you BEND over to pick up brass OR ejected brass pings off the precision gear.
    Looking for a car pool buddy for weekly weekday trips from Burnaby to POCO. Better yet I'll drive weekly and you take me hunting.

  4. #24
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer burnaby's Avatar
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    Cause firearm owners are good, law abiding citizens.
    Quote Originally Posted by kamlooky View Post
    I'm surprised they are so complacent and didn't revolt.
    Revolvers RULE; remember that next time you BEND over to pick up brass OR ejected brass pings off the precision gear.
    Looking for a car pool buddy for weekly weekday trips from Burnaby to POCO. Better yet I'll drive weekly and you take me hunting.

  5. #25
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buzzballer View Post
    Eye opening video. This has convinced me to join the NRA.
    I trust you are a member of the NFA and CSSA, right?

  6. #26
    CGN frequent flyer brandneo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cooner View Post
    Careful ?? We are careful law abiding citizens! It takes 1 mentally derranged person or wack-job with a "everybodys hates me,nobody loves me", attitude to do something then its YOUR fault and you have to surrender your property. No I disagree with you Daver we have to be organized get out heads out of the sand and join organizations that fight for our rights,like our American brothers and sisters do.
    Start opening your wallets guys and girls....
    Perhaps then, before this happens, we should be pushing 2 agendas not just 1. Gun rights for 1 and a tougher stance on the mentally ill with guns, so the antis can't play the blame game later.
    "Arms in the hands of citizens may be used at individual discretion in private self defense." - John Adams

    Member, CSSA, NRA.

  7. #27
    CGN Regular pomelum's Avatar
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    the problem is that people dont care about their neighbor.
    "gun" owner only represent a little part of the population, and the rest dont care about them.
    thats the problem.

    number make the strength, did you see the protest in the past year called "Occupy Wall Street"?
    they weren't much, but they almost won. if other people had stop and helped them they would have got what they wanted.
    "when you have to shoot, shoot dont talk."
    -the ugly

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    No way we submit to it in Canada. UN scre3 you we will keep our guns. Small arms dealers keep it up the fight. All of us plz support NRA they do a lot of work for us

  9. #29
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer
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    The Australian gov't are acting like the Nazi's before WWII. However it has proven what we all knew, the law abiding gun owner/ enthusiast is not the problem! Yes the Americans should take some lessons from us, I don't understand why they already haven't! License the gun owner through courses and deep background checks, you get a card, pal or rpal, and you are good to go! Why waste time doing a background check every time you buy a firearm!

    " Those who hammer their swords into plowshares, will Plow for those who do not".

  10. #30
    CGN Regular Yulisius's Avatar
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    I think I teared up each time i saw them cutting through the rifles.

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