Mg34 / mg42?

We have Mg-34 SA LMGs on order at TNW, they had promised them months ago.... all I can say there....

As for the Mg-42s, yes we have an approved design for the SA model, as explained several times before, we were depending on the US market, when economics there went down the tube our two main distributors backed out.... There is no way the Canadian market could support our production of this gun....

Given recent "reclassification examples" one has to wonder if it would even be a wise move to produce and import these firearms....??

hey john

i have been reading your posts with regards to the mg 42 but i don\t recall seeing a $ figure for such a classic gun so i was curious IF YOU DID start production on them could you give an approximate ball park price that they would be to purchase i was just curious thats all i understand that this is neither here nor there but i was just woundering is all.

on another note john could you please clarify this statement:

"Given recent "reclassification examples" one has to wonder if it would even be a wise move to produce and import these firearms....??"

because i have heard of other people talking of some reclassification that has been going on.

Thanks I appreciate your time !

Re the Mg-34s, there is an option in the shopping cart to be notified as soon as a sold out product arrives....


For the sake of "what if's", if CGN members were to be able to pool say $100,000.00 in pre-order deposits, (paid upfront to Marstar in one single wire-transfer for the full amount, only if the full $100,000 in deposits was able to be raised by a group of individuals on CGN.) would this make the project any more feasible?

Is the number $100,000? Not Enough? Too Much? $200,000? $75,000?

Again, I realize the likelihood of these funds being raised is very low (and a logistics nightmare), and I am fully just speculating here for the sake of giving everyone a better understanding of what kind of financials CGN members in Canada would need to bring to the table to make this manufacturing economical for Marstar.

Thanks in advance for the feedback John,
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The means of raising the money/deposits is an entirely different discussion. (Maybe it's 10 "angels" each putting up $10,000 as a deposit towards several rifles (an investor pack maybe? haha). Maybe it's many more than 10 guys, each only paying for 50% or 25% of one rifles likely end-cost.)

All i'm trying to establish is that, if a group of CGN users wanted this to happen badly enough that they were willing to make up-front deposits on atleast $###,### (whatever might be needed), what would $###,###X likely equate to?

Again, I realize getting the funds together as a group, and providing Marstar with one payment for the full amount, as a deposit up front, is highly unlikely. ...but let's at least tackle the first question first. How much would a group on CGN actually need to muster together to interest Marstar in pursuing this without loosing their shirts. (i.e. demonstrate a real need/want, with $ speaking up-front instead of words.)

When you look at platforms like Kickstarter, that is exactly what is happening... reason it can't be done in firearms.
I know personally I'd be more then willing to give 10,000 towards this cause. If I am surely there are others too. Ever since I was a young tot I have dreamed of owning a MG42.
"For the sake of "what if's", if CGN members were to be able to pool say $100,000.00 in pre-order deposits, (paid upfront to Marstar in one single wire-transfer for the full amount, only if the full $100,000 in deposits was able to be raised by a group of individuals on CGN.) would this make the project any more feasible?"

Good day, while I appreciate your interest and faith in Marstar we have never accepted such a proposal nor would I find this to be ethical....
There are simply too many variables involved, predicted and agreed schedules, delays, etc, etc....

Most of you are well aware of our long standing policy of not accepting deposits or sales for goods not in the warehouse....

The setting up a production run means our committing to produce at least 2000 units, far too much for Canada, no market any place else at this time.... Well over 3 million dollars....

My experience in the arms trade tells me that given the current mentality in Ottawa that we would be taking one hell of a risk with this type of firearm at this time. We make them, import them only to have a " reclassification" take place and lose them....

On the other hand, should there be someone out there who is ready to take on such a project we could discuss the sale of the design and all sales rights outright....

Thank you for your interest

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