Do You Allow Military Surplus Ammo On Range?

Thread: Do You Allow Military Surplus Ammo On Range?

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  1. 4Zulu said:

    Do You Allow Military Surplus Ammo On Range?

    I'm curious if I can shoot 7.62x39 steel core milsurp ammo there.
  2. Mike Oxbig's Avatar

    Mike Oxbig said:
    edit. misread post
  3. shortyirish12's Avatar

    shortyirish12 said:
    Our range has never had an issue. I would ask whoever runs yours though.
    [B][I]He who did well in war, earns the right to begin doing well in peace.

    Robert Browning
  4. woolly's Avatar

    woolly said:
    It looks like he is asking if Calgary Shooting center allows surplus ammo on their range.
  5. Shooting Centre's Avatar

    Shooting Centre said:
    Yes we do. We are only concerned about incendiary and tracer ammo. There was just a recent thread about this.
    Calgary Shooting Centre

    For orders, please visit our online store or email us at:
  6. CraigNConnor's Avatar

    CraigNConnor said:
    As far as i knew i thought Tracer ammo was illegal in canada.
    someone correct me if im wrong?
    cuz if im not i WANT SOME!
    shot some tracer in the US and its fun as hell to shoot at dusk or in a wooded area, just have to make sure the area condish isnt dry as hell, cuz that stuff can start fires.
  7. bitinginfo said:
    Quote Originally Posted by CraigNConnor View Post
    As far as i knew i thought Tracer ammo was illegal in canada.
    someone correct me if im wrong?
    cuz if im not i WANT SOME!
    shot some tracer in the US and its fun as hell to shoot at dusk or in a wooded area, just have to make sure the area condish isnt dry as hell, cuz that stuff can start fires.
    illegal to purchase, illegal to shoot and own? nope

    goodfight logic right?
  8. CraigNConnor's Avatar

    CraigNConnor said:
    thats what i thought,
    had my hopes up that i was wrong.
  9. said:
    Quote Originally Posted by bitinginfo View Post
    illegal to purchase, illegal to shoot and own? nope

    goodfight logic right?
    A couple of years ago, I was able to get my hands on some 7.62x39 Tracer ammo from a gun show. My understanding is that only rounds like Explosive or Flechette are "Prohibited" in Canada. Haven't heard anything regarding Tracer Ammunition.
  10. chadeech's Avatar

    chadeech said:
    As far as i have heard indoor anywhere no outdoor no worries
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