Shorten PAL Approval Times

As the Firearms Act is Federal, you would think the implementation of it would be consistent across Canada but I suppose regional implementation varies.

it is Federal... but the CFO's for each province vary.. some don't have them at all.. and others are as fast as an molasses in the last ice age (Bantario)
Just checked the status of my application,and it has been approved! 28 days exactly,I found that the best advice was calling about 6 to 8 days after and making sure no info was missed,mine was just a pal so it was pretty straight forward.
Kevlar whan did you're application get submitted. and did you call the CFO or just the cfsc? my application was submitted on july 22 and its still in progress. soooo damn slow

it came online aug 12 and today (sept 8) it was approved.called 1 week after the 12.
I mailed it about 4 or 5 days before it was online.So it all went smoothly.I called the link
from this thread.
mine came online july 22nd i called on day 28, she told me that everything was in order and the BC CFO had it.. and now you get ures before me.. funkin government man. they cant do a single thing right. i mean these offices must be ran ass backwards.. if they even do any damn work.. somebody gets paid way to much to move papers around all day not using there damn brains a single bit..

ive been inside gov offices before, mostly fat women who move slow as a turtle with cement shoes. almost pathetic. people need to prove there worth for a job or they shouldn't have it.
Today is the 9th of September, I sent my application for Restricted in on the 8th August. I have my licence back approved, I applied for my LOATT and the next day a copy was emailed to me, 2 days later I got the paper copy!!! Well done guys and gals in the Surrey office, your service is above excellent. Round of applause coming your way.......
Today is the 9th of September, I sent my application for Restricted in on the 8th August. I have my licence back approved, I applied for my LOATT and the next day a copy was emailed to me, 2 days later I got the paper copy!!! Well done guys and gals in the Surrey office, your service is above excellent. Round of applause coming your way.......

Lucky bugger..... in Bantario times that time-line by infinity :rolleyes:
I mailed in my PAL application two weeks ago and it hasn't shown up on the website yet. I called in and the woman told me to wait another week. Sigh...

haha I mailed mine in 3 weeks ago and just called. the guy told me to wait another week.

I may be noticing a trend.
28 days exact...well to be accepted. I got approved today, without anybody including myself being called, and it's being printed and shipped out. :D
I mailed in my PAL application two weeks ago and it hasn't shown up on the website yet. I called in and the woman told me to wait another week. Sigh...

haha I mailed mine in 3 weeks ago and just called. the guy told me to wait another week.

I may be noticing a trend.

did either of you send it via a traceable method so you know exactly when it arrived there?
haha I mailed mine in 3 weeks ago and just called. the guy told me to wait another week.

I may be noticing a trend.

Hey, mine is finally in the system. The thing is, they didn't ask me for my name so there's no way they could have dug mine out of the pile and moved it along. Is yours in the system yet?
actually mine showed up today too :)

They did ask me my info when I called but I dont think he did much with it. Guess I was just a day too impatient. From the date they have online as receiving my application its the mail I should be mad at anyways. Took them 12 days to put my info online.
Just to let everyone know this does de-crease your wait time huge, i just had my license issued on day 28 exactly, My app was recieved on aug,19 they called me and my references in late august and then today on day 28 I checked the online status checker thing and it said my app had completed processeing and my license had been issued
RCMP received my application on August 20th, my references and I were called a few days later, and "Your application has been processed and your licence has been issued" exactly on day 28 for my RPAL. As I said earlier in this thread, I am actually impressed with the RCMP on this one. I didn't have to call them once, although I'm sure this thread would really be quite helpful during the busy times of year.
Thank you for an extremely helpful sticky Calalta.

I did exactly as you described in your post.

Turns out my application was fine, everything was complete and satisfactory and both my references had been called and interviewed. The RCMP had actually called a few times for the peronal interview with me at my home phone number but, due to work, I haven't been home much lately. THAT was the only thing missing. I did the quickie interview over the phone and in 5 minutes everything had been done and completed.

Process - complete with one quick phonecall to their 1-800 number.

Great info posted.
It's an example of the great things that can come out of communal forums like this.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks very much for the good gen.

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