M305 flash hider welded on?

I'm pretty sure the new batches aren't welded, if it is... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xf0M9uAjks

It is a "drop in" piece, you'll just have to use your chinesecastle nut

You're best bet with owning one of these is to settle in, get a drink, and start reading the stickies and the the whole main battle rifles section. There's all the info you'd ever need to know and more about these rifles. Enjoy the addiction :)
Mine was welded too...from the new marstar batch...close inspection on the bottom reveals a slight weld 'halo'. I was able to bash it off with a technique suggested by M14doctor...but it took about a dozen nerve-wracking blows to accomplish it!
The guy in the video uses a barrel vise and castle nut pliers? Do you really need that, or can you use a regular bench vise with some thin rubber inserted between the barrel and vise to prevent it from marring? Wouldn't channel locks or vise grips work just as well as a castle nut wrench that the guy uses in the video? If I gotta buy a barrel vise and special castle nut pliers, then I might as well pay a gunsmith to do it for me. Can't see using them too often to justify the cost.

Thanks guys!
We do this meathod at clinic's to ensure that the barrel dosen't warp from the hammering when takening off the flash hidder.
And after what marstar just said it's another reason to get there M14 just not to have to go threw this ordeal.
Were (or are) you able to order that break? If so, where? I'm interested myself, but was under the impression due to ITAR import rules smith enterprises wouldn't send one up here. I'd be happy to find out differently!
Though it not listed on there Web i gave ATRS a call and they had it to me in a week. Smith Ent had them listed as a Canadian Distributor.

I am extremely happy with it :)

Were (or are) you able to order that break? If so, where? I'm interested myself, but was under the impression due to ITAR import rules smith enterprises wouldn't send one up here. I'd be happy to find out differently!
I thought my poly M305 wasn't till I finally beat her off the rifle. looks like they drilled holes in the FH then welded her, then refinished her. 2 nice little welded spots, took quite a beating to remove. Didn't get mine from marstar, got it second hand.

Added the pics of them

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Mine is an 'early' (autumn 2003) Marstar 305, and the flash hider had two small dots from the spot welds, or is the correct term "tack welds"?
Anyway I followed instructions found on stickies, hammered it off, and have had no problems. My reason for removal is cleaning. I find a lot of sludge gets packed in that area and cleaning, while a bit more work, is now more complete.
I removed 4 flashiders this weekend with no damage to any of them.I used Hungrys barrel vise , a brass punch and a steel punch and a BFH (Big Freakin Hammer)

Undue the allen screw for the castle nut and after securing the receiver in place .

Loosen the castle nut off until it contacts the front in the space provided for it .

Place the punch on the back of the bayo lug or the metal block on the opposite side as the sights .

Then put down your purse and hit it like you mean it .

Watch for the flashider moving towards the muzzle and when it does undue the castle nut a bit more and hit it again.

Repeat this process until the flashhider comes off .

Some people in the past have drilled out the two spot welds before doing this but I have never had to do that yet and all the flashiders I took off were not damaged at all.
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