Liberals take away firearm from people BEWARE OF THEIR PLAN DO NOT VOTE


CGN frequent flyer
Vancouver Canada
BE IT RESOLVED that the primary objective of a Liberal government firearms policy shall be reducing the number of firearms in Canada through initiatives inspired by the Australian model.

Young Liberals of Canada

Taken from liberal website //

Who are you voting next.

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Not a huge fanboy of Harper, but the liberals antigun agenda is more than enough to secure my vote for the conservatives.
I certainly dont trust what the liberals will do, do the political parties realize how many people in Canada are firearm enthusiasts, and dont believe in restricting firearms? Certainly not nearly the percentage as the states, but i do believe we have pull.
what the... i think they have some sort of messiah complex... nobody can be this blind and stupid without having some sort of retardation... or on drugs. seriously.
I will never vote for a party that does not, at least in some basic sense, believe in the rights of the people to defend themselves and their families. Bad people deserve bad treatment. Good people deserve to be able to protect them selves from those bad people.

The liberal government, in my opinion, despises the Canadian people.
They will increase taxes and spend the money on releasing criminals and finding another way of taking your right/ privilege to own and shoot guns, a registry that did nothing, proposed to cost a couple million wound up costing hundreds of millions and still counting!! They won't revive that but there are many other ways they have to limit gun ownership and shooting! From Ammunition to rule/laws for ranges/carrying them etc. NDP are the same except taxes will double but benefits from govnt reduced! Rock and hard place, I don't like Harper but there is no other reasonable choice!
To much of the voting public, Justin is just too cute and cuddly to resist!

You got that right!. I think some people should not be allowed to vote unless they actually do some research on who they are voting for.

Also Gun Owners can be hazardous to Gun Owners. Too many are all to willing to throw each other under the bus.

I have heard my share of comments from Owners like: " I don't own a black rifle or handgun all I do is hunt with my normal rifle THEY WILL NEVER TAKE THAT AWAY"

They actually believe that crap. Where is the Canadian Brotherhood unity? We all need to stick together as responsible Gun Owners. (my 2 cents)
Check out the comments. I wanted to "like" some of them but I have to log in with my Liberal id, which I don't /won't have.
Every single comment is against their gun policies. Most are " as a gun owning Liberal"...or "change your policies if you want votes".
The idea that emulating Australian or British gun policies will reduce violence is roundly condemned.
At least some of them have the right idea.
We can take heart from a piece of lore passed on to me by a long term federal public servant. In their experience Liberals talk a good (?) game and do as little as possible. Conservatives (love 'em or hate 'em) do what they say they are going to do. I know, I know there are exceptions to both statements (income tru$t$) but in contrast to the Chretien Liberal's lost decade just remember what PM's like Mulroney and Harper have promised, and done with their mandates.

Side issue: When you are making mistakes, as the Harper government is, it usually means that you are trying to change things. The converse is also true, you take the safe path and you seldom trip and fall.
I wish these kids could think of some new initiatives moving forward instead of rehashing old ideological based principles.

Let's hear a new vision for making the country stronger and govt smaller along with the tax bill!

The biggest challenge to all parties is the out of control bureaucracy and ever growing govt.... but the conservatives have done nothing to stop that so at this point it's a runaway train or one big dirty snowball how ever you want to see it.
ohferpete - +1. Either we stick together or we will hang separately.

For those who look down their noses at black guns / "assault rifles" and other firearms that push the envelope as sporting firearms please remember that the feeling that you have towards these items is probably to what the gun haters have towards you and your 30-30 Mdl 94 or 12 gauge Mdl 870.

So even though I do not own an AR nor ever intend to my philosophy is that if the owner of the firearm can get past the reality that the primary purpose of these tools is to mow down other human beings AND if they undertake to use them in a responsible manner that does no harm to others nor to society's perception of those who own "conventional" firearms I'm ok with that. Fill your boots.
Can-Down. I think that they are trying with the latest budget, addressing sick days and Mr. Flaherty's call for departmental cuts.

I also suspect that there has been a lot of ying and yang behind the scenes like the implementation of performance reviews and more emphasis on results. Funding for make work enterprises (program spending) has also been cut and there is a hint that pension benefits are under scrutiny. The Liberal media machine has responded with predictable anger so you know that the Conservatives have hit a nerve. Look at Trudeau the lesser's road map: re-institute this and that.

Mr. Harper tends to work in tiny increments and when you look back over 4-5 years voila plus la change!!
I can't get over how silly it is for the Liberals to hold their convention simultaneously with the height of the Olympics??? I mean it has to be arrogant to think that people are going to tune in to one of the most important (for the LPC) events before the 2015 elections when Women's Hockey, curling, etc. are filling us with national pride and riveting our attention! And they think that they are tuned in to the public pulse enough to run our great country? Pretty naive I'd say.

My prediction is that the polls after their little soiree are going to be so moribund that the man-boy is going to plead family pressures and bow out.
I can't get over how silly it is for the Liberals to hold their convention simultaneously with the height of the Olympics??? I mean it has to be arrogant to think that people are going to tune in to one of the most important (for the LPC) events before the 2015 elections when Women's Hockey, curling, etc. are filling us with national pride and riveting our attention! And they think that they are tuned in to the public pulse enough to run our great country? Pretty naive I'd say.

My prediction is that the polls after their little soiree are going to be so moribund that the man-boy is going to plead family pressures and bow out.

The Libs want the Canadian public to view the success of our Olympic athletes and then tie it together in their mind with the Liberal Party.
The Libs want the Canadian public to view the success of our Olympic athletes and then tie it together in their mind with the Liberal Party.

Harper needs to align himself with the olympic team anyway he can.
There have been millions of dollars spent on olympic programs and infrastructure - the public has to be reminded of this.
He should go on tours of the training facilities with the athletes and personally congratulate them, no matter how they placed.
If improvements / funding need to be made, he can publicly state more money will be allocated.
This is a win-win.
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