Thumbs down to Marstar

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Last time I ordered from them was for a case of loose milsurp ammo.....
It was packaged so well that it literally broke in half during shipping and I got a call from the courier telling me to come clean up the 1000 rounds now spilled all over their floor etc - cause they sure werent going to try and deliver it to me in that condition. What a effin nightmare. You would think after all these years that Marstar would know how to pack heavy loose ammo properly. Single wall thin cardboard box doesnt cut it.

On the positive, they did try to make it right by sending out a bit more ammo to cover lost stuff. It took 2-3 weeks to get it resolved tho.

Not the worst company but definitely not the best either.
My friends and i have bought guns and other items from them about 5 years ago and had no problems. Ordering was a breeze with them and everything was good in the end. I recently ordered some items from them and waiting on them to ship and I'll getting kinda concerned with all the negative feed back. I really liked marstar back in the day as they had all the cool stuff and everything was in stock. Now it seems like nothing is in stock with them.
Sure is unfortunate to see things go sour. Hard to find a gun store that doesn't come with some negative opinion, I even have my own about some. However, Mr. Marstar has just given you all the opportunity to deal with him directly to rectify whatever problem has arisen. Wish everyone luck in resolving your issues, but keep in mind if he gets pissed, he might close all the doors he's opened for the Canadian firearms market over however many decades he's been doing this.

Not related to him, never met him, never bought from marstar directly.
Wow..I'm impressed how many people seem to have ordered from Marstar...evrytime I looked for stuff on the website they had no stock...I just stopped looking and shop elsewhere...
Haven't had any experience with Marstar ammo but I bought 1000 rounds from another dealer that is now out of buisness since last year. The damned stuff was packaged like Christmas cookies on flimsy styrofoam, covered with saran wrap layer upon layer. The cardboard box was in some state and amazingly enough all the loose rounds stayed in the box...
after reading all that...with all the complaints and the obvious contempt...why the 100% positive feedback score?

Because the trader system is deeply flawed? You don't see too many negative feedbacks anywhere, yet there are always dis-satisfied people on this forum whining about something or another. The policy here on CGN seems to be "don't rock the boat", and if you aren't happy go somewhere else. Kind of defeats the purpose of a feedback system, eh.

Oh, and IBTMFL!!!!


Edit: I don't have a problem with Marstar at all, I was just bringing up a point about feedback here in general. I was intending on buying a Norinco NP58 from them, but they didn't have stock at the time and ended up getting it from another site sponsor.
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"Your credit card billing is exactly one dollar more than your invoiced amount? Happened to me twice on my first orders with them so I won't be ordering anything else. "

There seems to be somewhat of a misunderstanding here....
On your invoice of June this year it was charged correctly....
However on your invoice of October you were overcharged $1.
In your e mail to our billing dept on November 7th you claimed that you had been over charged on both invoices, that WAS NOT accurate....
Your invoice In June was for $37.37 your CC Transaction was for $37.37 how does this reflect an over charge ??

As for the invoice of this past October YES we overcharged your account by $1. this was noted to you in our reply to your e mail of November 8th, Martina correctly noted that there would be a posted credit of $1. to your file....To be used on your next purchase

Since you have stated that because of this most serious overcharge you would not be ordering anything else I will instruct the billing desk to credit your card for the $1.

I hope that our fellow members here will now understand that this was an isolated (1 time) incident and not a matter of policy as your posting might have suggested.

I hope this serves to clarify your concerns


Please take a moment to review the reply sent to BIGFOOTER.... I hope everything is clear....

Again we have a complaint, comment, conclusions, all of which are beyond my ability to check out.... I need a name....
" "I'm not off the beaten path".
Not having all the details, still don't I was merely offering a possible reason why the shipping had been high....

"I straight up asked you on this forum about the shipping price in a polite mature way."
I can appreciate that, I have stated many times here and elsewhere, that the fastest way to get accurate replies is to simply send me an e mail or call our toll free line, which you did.

"You replied in bolded caps lock."
I am really sorry if this has offended you.... Experience has shown that unless our replies are very prominent in e mails or postings very often the client sends us a follow up message complaining that we did not reply, all because he/she did not notice the reply.... Is it really that bad ?


I am sorry that you were offended by our replies here on CGN, however you started the file by posting here, you interested several members, our replies were simply an effort to explain to one and all what happened....
If 1% of their transactions is not well it might be a lot of unsatisfied customers if they have tens of thousands of customers. Nobody is ever happy, and I find that 5% of people think of themselves as royalty and think they deserve an a$$ kissing just for their business. Whatever they have done wrong I would still deal with them over my local shop, if you want bad service i will point you in their direction

What's the world coming to when somebody cries over a dollar anyways, my visa "accideny" billed me twice for the $120 annual service charges when I have a no annual fee account. It got corrected, no need to cry to everybody on the Internet. Are you perfect?

10,000 packages a year sent out and one busted open, how do you know the mailman didn't drop it, or drop something on it?

My buddy loves them and I have no issues with them.
I don't know... I've ordered twice from Marstar and have no complaints. Both times I ordered online and asked for a shipping quote prior to processing and both times I have been sent one and asked to confirm that I wish to proceed with the order. You can't get much more straight than that, I figure. Packages arrived, happy times ensued, and the sun rose the next morning.

Not nuking this thread and instead taking the time to reply to individuals in order to address issues, to me, represents extra effort put in to customer support and relations.

On the whole, after reading all of this, my personal position is still that if Marstar has what I want, at a price that I like, I'll buy it from them. I'm not convinced that this would be an unwise choice.
" After reading all this I'm a little concerned now."

Exactly what are your concerns? E mail me your order number and I will check it out for you
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