Received wrong caliber

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So, 5 minutes after you received your package you logged onto this website to complain. In that 5 minutes did you pickup the phone/shoot them an email to advise them of an (oh my god, the world is coming to the end) error with the order. I bet you they would be more than happy to straighten it out.

PMSL ... 1st post is to log on and bash the OP .. better check the IP lol

I see johnone has posted already so I imagine this mistake will work itself out :p
I don't understand why people don't call and try and sort problems out privately before posting on the Internet. It seems to me that making a dealer look bad before attempting to rectify the problem is just slightly premature.
I don't understand why people don't call and try and sort problems out privately before posting on the Internet. It seems to me that making a dealer look bad before attempting to rectify the problem is just slightly premature.

It's not making the dealer look bad, it's giving them a chance to look good. Look how quick it took john to answer, i'd definitely do business with marstar.
Not fair at all to bash a business, without even allowing them to make it right first. If the situation was "### made a mistake, and when I called I was told to go &^#% myself" then it might belong on the forum.
It's a good thing that specific store already has decent name in the industry, doing so to a smaller company, or one who has just opened, you could have ruined someone's business, and in turn his life.
These days it's very easy to go online and post a complaint, which in some cases I do myself. But when I do post something, I do so after trying to make it right with whoever I'm upset with. If they can't (or simply won't) - social media the #### out of the situation.
If I understood correctly, the box was marked 7.5, so basically it's not even the store's fault, and even so I'm sure that the store would have still make it right.

I'm not from the gun industry, not working for that store or any other store, just seems a bit harsh for what to me look like an honest (easily resolvable) mistake.

Wish you better luck with your future orders from any store you so chose to purchase.

Merry Christmas!

What's wrong with settling it via pm if he's unable to call or doesn't feel like calling? He can initiate contact through their forum that they pay for and then wait for contact back. As i said, we're not living in the stone age anymore, most people prefer to do business over the internet, although not usually as fast as over the phone, it provides a copy of transcript. But who am I to talk, i work on a computer and talk on the phone all day.

I think the problem is this:

If he wants to do it online, send them an email / PM.
Posting in a public thread just begs for a roasting.
This is CGN after all ;)
It's not making the dealer look bad, it's giving them a chance to look good. Look how quick it took john to answer, i'd definitely do business with marstar.

Maybe I am stupid, maybe I am missing something here, HOW can we look into this ?? You DID NOT provide an order number, you DID not provide a name

Simply put how the hell can we rectify the problem if we don't have even the most basic information /????????

Wait a minute, lets see now, we only have 2-3 orders over the past several months so it should be easy ??"

Too complicated, I am going to consult my crystal ball, damn the battery is dead and its an obsolete Russian model, oh well such is life

Mistakes happen. On the flip side complaining on the internet feels good for some people. All that aside, there are no problems in this world, only solutions. My suggestion for a solution is that the guy who got the wrong ammo provides a little more order info and then the seller can look into it a bit for him. Now the best part.... ammo is heavy it costs X amount to ship, so instead of sending back the ammo blah blah and so on. If the seller has any in stock firearms chambered in 6.5, offer one up to the buyer minus the cost to ship back the ammo plus 1/2 what he might normally pocket selling said firearm. Everyone is happy, everyone profited......... Everyone knows 6.5 is kick ass and you need one before you die anyway. Then when the seller sends off the 6.5 rifle if the seller buys into it also includes a surprise sprinkling of 7.5 ammo worth about what was left over in the amount he still pocketed (minus shipping etc) Just to prove that even though he is a business and his business is making money off selling firearms he is also a down to earth company man who can admit when a mistake was made and so on. Every once and a while mistakes are made. Everyone comes out even.........Then he adds $.0.50 to the price of some generic product like an SKS or something, no one notices and like superman 3 that fraction of a cent type increase makes him money and nobody notices.............. Except his wife, because of all the big ass diamonds, expensive trips and hookers and cocai.......oh snap my wife just said dinner is ready and that tonight is my night to hand wash the dishes and that this response was way to long and stupid for a basic problem that has a realistic solution probably nothing like the one I wrote while. BOOOM !!! Even more crazy. Marstar sells battery powered crystal balls? Sign me up and then mess up the order and send me a donkey.

Merry Christmas to the 6.5 swede, never heard of a 7.5 swiss, why is any of this on the internet?
Swedish target rifles?

So there was something worth reading in this thread after all!

Make my 2014 and tell me a Finn M28-76 or two are in a crate somewhere waiting to cross the briny deep ;)
From the Urban Dictionary:

1. pebkac
problem exists between keyboard and chair
The AOL user (being a moron, by definition) could not print in landscape mode; the problem was determined to be pebkac.
It's not making the dealer look bad, it's giving them a chance to look good. Look how quick it took john to answer, i'd definitely do business with marstar.


I just don't understand why people get excited, jump in and try to justify Marstar's business dealings before John himself can. This forum is an opportunity for Marstar to publicly display how they care about their customers and fix issues quickly...

Also gives him the chance to teach those a few lessons in the open as well ;)
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VOILA the man with a solution, by the way keep an eye on our site, we just picked a few Swedish heavt abrrel target rifles in 6.5x55, keep an eye on our site

I genuinely hope that this is not how Marstar intends to deal with the issue. I understand that he's not made all the information for you to do ANYTHING yet, but in the event that OP did, that simply "Well, now you got that ammo, spend more so you can use it."

That's like Ordering a Silverado, getting a Cruze and being told "Well, now that you have a car start having family trips and order another truck."

maybe I am missing something here, HOW can we look into this ?? You DID NOT provide an order number, you DID not provide a name

Simply put how the hell can we rectify the problem if we don't have even the most basic information /????????

Just going to point out that richmyster isn't OP; and your post comes off as suggesting that he's at fault here. He's complimenting you for responding in a timely manner and showing that even if you're not on this site a lot that you're still reaching out and showing great customer service even with the lack of Intel to do anything about the situation.


I don't like when people complain online, but I do like John's responses. After working in retail myself for over a dozen years, he gets to say everything I wish I could to customers. I wish I owed my own company. Unfortunately, people now-a-days expect e-mails and inboxes to be monitored 24/7 and if they don't receive a reply within 3 minutes they assume the dealer is trying to avoid them. I understand some people don't like the phone, but it is the most reliable (and fastest) way to a solution.

Merry Christmas!
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