Received wrong caliber

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Maybe I am stupid, maybe I am missing something here, HOW can we look into this ?? You DID NOT provide an order number, you DID not provide a name

Simply put how the hell can we rectify the problem if we don't have even the most basic information /????????

Wait a minute, lets see now, we only have 2-3 orders over the past several months so it should be easy ??"

Too complicated, I am going to consult my crystal ball, damn the battery is dead and its an obsolete Russian model, oh well such is life



Merry Xmas!!
I've never dealt with Marstar, but because of John's responses, I think I'll see if they have anything I want!

John.... my ##### is slightly less than average size. What would suggest, firearm wise, that would make me feel my appendage is bigger? I'm thinking something in .50cal would do the trick. Please help me out, my girlfriend is complaining....



PS - Seriously though, love your responses, MERRY CHRISTMAS!
OMG!!! Will there a crystal ball combo in the near future??? Are the batteries and scope rings included??

Merry Christmas...

Yeah, It's gonna come with a dewat set of tarot cards...If enough people ask, they'll probably even adjust the combo for people with only a non-restricted PAL (Psychic Ability License)

If it's under $1000, I'll take 12!
I have just received my package from Marstar 5 minutes ago. I was happy to at last get my 7.5mm swiss rounds but when I opened the box, surprise! I got 6.5mm swedish! Where are my 7.5mm swiss ammunitions? Hopefully mistakes like this doesn't happen too often!

Ohhh my, I'd hate to see how you deal with real problems in life. You say you waited 'five whole minutes' for a response by email? Yikes,
I have just received my package from Marstar 5 minutes ago. I was happy to at last get my 7.5mm swiss rounds but when I opened the box, surprise! I got 6.5mm swedish! Where are my 7.5mm swiss ammunitions? Hopefully mistakes like this doesn't happen too often!

WE ARE STILL WAITING FOR YOUR NAME and or order number....
Since you refuse to supply either one I assume that you have decided to either keep the ammo or buy a rifle to use it.... Your secret is safe with us....

BTW I expect a new shipment of crystal ball batteries soon so we won't have to bother people with questions like "who are you" ....

The customer (DAKE21) has sent us an update, it was forwarded to my desk this morning....

The customer says " I am really disapointed as this is my first time with marstar. I am not paying for the return of the wrong ammuntion and I want a discount on my swiss ammuntion for the inconvenience."

I am pleased that we now know who we are dealing with, it only took 68 posts on seven pages, I realize you are frustrated and upset with what happened, we apologize.

I would remind you that our warranty would certainly apply here.... we made the mistake, we pay.... So simply package up the order, let us know when ready, we will order a pick up by Canpar....

If you wish, we would then start over and replace your order with the correct ammunition.

Please advise your decision.


The customer (DAKE21) has sent us an update, it was forwarded to my desk this morning....

The customer says " I am really disapointed as this is my first time with marstar. I am not paying for the return of the wrong ammuntion and I want a discount on my swiss ammuntion for the inconvenience."

I am pleased that we now know who we are dealing with, it only took 68 posts on seven pages, I realize you are frustrated and upset with what happened, we apologize.

I would remind you that our warranty would certainly apply here.... we made the mistake, we pay.... So simply package up the order, let us know when ready, we will order a pick up by Canpar....

If you wish, we would then start over and replace your order with the correct ammunition.

Please advise your decision.


This is true custom service . and why marstar is top notch .
Marstar obviously make the right thing and will pay for the return. The guy want "a discount for the inconvenience"!!?? Come on! Who are you? Queen of England? WTF is wrong with people these days?
I really do hate coming on here now. People really do suck. The world really would be a much better place without all the damned people in it.
you know, i don't believe i wasted this much time on this thread... it was like an automobile accident - you know you shouldn't rubberneck and slow down and gawk, but you just can't help yourself... i hate dealing with the "instant gratification" folks out there and i don't know where the hell manners and common sense went, but they're long departed... on another note, I WANT A DISCOUNT AS WELL!!! Right NOW....

Merry Christmas...
The customer says " I am really disapointed as this is my first time with marstar. I am not paying for the return of the wrong ammuntion and I want a discount on my swiss ammuntion for the inconvenience."

Reminds me of an old joke: Customer goes back into a pharmacy and complains that his gross (pack of 1000) condoms he bought last friday was short by about 20. The pharmacist replies: "Sorry Sir if we ruined your weekend".

I am sure Dake had intended to do a lot of shooting during the past weekend's ice storm.
Marstar obviously make the right thing and will pay for the return. The guy want "a discount for the inconvenience"!!?? Come on! Who are you? Queen of England? WTF is wrong with people these days?

Actually I doubt whether the Queen of England would even consider such a request.

loyal subject of said Queen.
Let's hear more about these crystal balls! Do you have any package deals with evil-eye repellent? You mentioned that yours is Russian, are the ones Marstar sells also Russian? Do you have to speak Russian to it to get answers? If I get a Czech one shipped instead, I'm going to start a thread about it, so could you check to make sure? Do you need my name to check, or will you just check all of them now? Are they made of actual crystal, or are they glass? The pictures I looked up on google, looked like glass, is yours like that?
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