A1A Enfield's

The company completely disappeared a couple years back as I recall. There was a website still up fairly recently, but I don't think it was updated since 2010 or 2011.
I'm surprised that Norc hasn't jumped on this... Seems like there is still a pretty big market for .308 Enfield No4s.
Just a question, since I'm sort of new to this website......I don't have the chance to read back months to years to know that a company has gone out of business and the product is no longer available. I'm only going off the information on stores website and asking a legit question about a product that is still advertised.
Just a question, since I'm sort of new to this website......I don't have the chance to read back months to years to know that a company has gone out of business and the product is no longer available. I'm only going off the information on stores website and asking a legit question about a product that is still advertised.

Don't get your panties in a knot. No one is blaming you.
They are beautiful hand crafted guns. I have two of them.
A little heavy, and the wood is a little too nice for dragging around in the bush, but very accurate.
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