Virtual Visa Debit


Ottawa, ON
Hi John, simple question. Do you guys accept Virtual Visa Debit? Some retailers do, some don't. SFRC for sure doesn't, and since my card was declined by Wolverine twice, I'm assuming their's doesn't, either.
I think it has to do with the banking system and the banks, as opposed to the merchant. I've tried to use the Visa debit option on my debit card as opposed to my traditional Visa card on a number of websites, and all have been rejected. I was told (and dont quote me on this) that the online merchant system still gets "confused" when trying to process a debit Visa, because a Cdn debit card (with or without Visa) defaults to debit and not credit. Basically you enter your info and the system sees it as debit and not Visa (credit)

However, I've had zero problems using the Visa debit option when buying online from the States.
I am with CIBC and have had no issues using the debit card visa in the US (washington, idaho, and montana) was well was multiple places online. But the online places were all from the US.

SFRC told me their bank rejects it because the merchant fee is too high.

I think it has to do with the banking system and the banks, as opposed to the merchant. I've tried to use the Visa debit option on my debit card as opposed to my traditional Visa card on a number of websites, and all have been rejected. I was told (and dont quote me on this) that the online merchant system still gets "confused" when trying to process a debit Visa, because a Cdn debit card (with or without Visa) defaults to debit and not credit. Basically you enter your info and the system sees it as debit and not Visa (credit)

However, I've had zero problems using the Visa debit option when buying online from the States.
Visa Debit in Canada works strictly as Interac debit. When it is run anywhere outside Canada it will process as an actual Visa.

Depending on the merchant services provider (debit/credit processor) it may or may not work. Has nothing to do with fees etc.

Keep in mind that any online transaction involving Visa/MC is a 'card not present' transaction which is more expensive to process for any store.
Visa Debit in Canada works strictly as Interac debit. When it is run anywhere outside Canada it will process as an actual Visa.

Incorrect. Visa Debit is NOT processed by Interac in any circumstances. They are competing products, not 'one and the same' anywhere. Interac has a monopoly on Debit payments in Canada right now, and Visa is trying to change that.

Most merchants 'opt out' of accepting Visa Debit because of the high fees (%) vs Interac (cents/transaction).
I think the bigger question is why not get a credit card? Odds are if you are on here you own firearm(s) which means odds are you have a permanent residence and are over 18....also probably have money to feed your hobby :p

just my 0.02$
Incorrect. Visa Debit is NOT processed by Interac in any circumstances. They are competing products, not 'one and the same' anywhere. Interac has a monopoly on Debit payments in Canada right now, and Visa is trying to change that.

Most merchants 'opt out' of accepting Visa Debit because of the high fees (%) vs Interac (cents/transaction).

The Visa Debit cards in Canada carry the Interac logo... so although Visa and Interac are direct competitors, they are linked in Canada. I'm talking strictly in the Canadian space, things are different south of the border as there is no Interac equivalent there.

One of the main reasons retailers prefer Interac is the flat rate fee of $0.25/transaction vs. Visa/MC/AMEX which charge a percentage (Interchange fee).
I use EMT. Costs me $1.50, nothing to the dealer. I think it is the best option, dealer gets money, I get product. My $.02 worth, or rounded off now, $.00 worth.

The 25 cent fee is actually not correct. Some small stores get charged more then the 25 cents. One store I deal at gets dinged something like 75 cents so he charges extra to use it. He told me the bill per month was more then his mortage almost.
One gun store in Calgary charges enough extra for Interact that I have walked down to the grocery store and drawen out funds to pay them instead of paying their price.
Yeah, I've tried using the VISA/Debit card thing over the phone to buy firearms from stores in Canada, and it never seems to work... Very frustrating as most won't take EMT either... :(

Some of us just don't like using credit cards...
I can tell you that majority of retail outlets don't have debit visa for online orders. I have been able to use it on and other American sites, but never any Canadian Ones. I have Tried. Cabelas, Costco, futureshop, wholesale sports, wolverine supplies, grouse river, prophet river. to name a few
The 25 cent fee is actually not correct. Some small stores get charged more then the 25 cents. One store I deal at gets dinged something like 75 cents so he charges extra to use it. He told me the bill per month was more then his mortage almost.
One gun store in Calgary charges enough extra for Interact that I have walked down to the grocery store and drawen out funds to pay them instead of paying their price.

Either they are getting ripped off by their provider or they aren't being honest...
The interchange fee is usually 3%.

The 25 cent fee is actually not correct. Some small stores get charged more then the 25 cents. One store I deal at gets dinged something like 75 cents so he charges extra to use it. He told me the bill per month was more then his mortage almost.
One gun store in Calgary charges enough extra for Interact that I have walked down to the grocery store and drawen out funds to pay them instead of paying their price.
I do, but I prefer to use Visa Debit because I can't do my usual irresponsible calculus of "oh, I'll just pay it later". Did that through college and I'm still paying down my credit card debt 3 years later. You'd be shocked how much credit they will give a 21 year old with a 20hr a week job.

I think the bigger question is why not get a credit card? Odds are if you are on here you own firearm(s) which means odds are you have a permanent residence and are over 18....also probably have money to feed your hobby :p

just my 0.02$
It's a function of the service provider, not the merchant. Unfortunately, it's force upon many of us when our banks issue us a new card without explaining the difference or the ramifications of activating the new Visa Debit card. Not all merchants can accept the new Visa Debit as a form of payment and it's no fault of their own. This should be brought up with your bank and the merchant's service provider. I've written several times to TD Canada. Naturally, thy're of no help and they refuse to issue me the old version of my card.
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