Shot Show 2014 - Kel tec RDB

Kel Tec shure has come out with some cool ideas. I agree with the sights. And you may get hot brass on your arm and if you wear cut off t shirt or the ladies have on a tank top they could get hot brass in their shirt. Owe

So this would be southpaw design then?
I cant see these being priced higher than the RFB. If Keltec were smart they would price these $1500 or less, ultimately the price point will make or break these firearms.

I have my eye on the m43 (Love my RFB)
Remember that the RFB has an MSRP of $1880ish but street price in the US was significantly lower. However, that translated into $2399 for us as Vault apparently had to pay the MSRP price on our longer barrel figure around RFB price or higher with our dwindling dollar.
Neat gun, but we're never going to see one so long as Kel-Tec continues its pattern of producing something astounding, making one batch of that item, and moving on.
Agreed it's price is a little high... and the Tavor is a nice option in the same price bracket but I like the idea of being able to change calibers :)
I cant see these being priced higher than the RFB. If Keltec were smart they would price these $1500 or less, ultimately the price point will make or break these firearms.

I have my eye on the m43 (Love my RFB)

I agree. Companies use these shows to gauge interest in their products/ideas, but they also use them to feel out the retailers (and through them the public) for how much people will pay for them. I could see it being in the RFB range, but you can be sure they will charge us as much as they can while still moving units. I like the M43. Metal good.
I think the price makes sense. If the model proves to be a success even at the high price point, then ramp up for large scale production and reduce the price per unit. Stamping sheet metal needs some pretty specialized equipment to do efficiently.
With the apparent high level of user serviceability and caliber changes etc , I could see this gun be popular for upgrades and accessories. Would be cool if they started out with a "base" model and cheap price say in a 5.56 and allowed users to upgrade from there. Sorta an open source rifle like with ARs
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