Great experience with Calgary Shooting Center!

sorry man, spent a lot of money at each of these companies. Just because the sales guy give you the time of day doesn't mean that you have applaude the effort, every time.
I just don't get it, thanks gun store; for selling me something at regular price, that I have to wait for in line at the store or find out its out of stock days later online. Thanks for not being able to service what I bought or offering me any other alternative. It doesn't matter how much I spend or how patient I am I alway feel like I just got screwed. We need to have a DAILY DEALS thread, so we can all take advantage of the savings, not just on BOXING DAY, oh sorry out of stock. Bla

I don't get it either. Imagine if we all started saying "thank you store X" for selling me something.

Thank you Safeway for selling me some food for the week
Thank you Canadian tire for selling me some tires.

Anywho, I will defently be checking this store when I will be in Calgary. The "shooting screen" look pretty cool.
yikes, what do you expect? its not like the store is getting rich off of one sale. They have to pay for the gun too plus overhead and a hundred other expenses.
Try going into business for your self and see what its like, it sure is no party. The hours are long, you get no appreciation and you have to listen to winy pain in the a$$ customers like you. Its nice to get positive customer feedback every once an a while.
sorry man, spent a lot of money at each of these companies. Just because the sales guy give you the time of day doesn't mean that you have applaude the effort, every time.

So crap on them when they give bad service. Applaud them when they give good service. Complaining when receiving good and bad service just makes you look like a bad customer all around and makes you look like you have the problem.
The shooting centre is amazing. I recently had the pleasure of checking out most stores in the Calgary area in the search for my first firearm. I was pleased with most stores selections although I felt some stores though they were better than you being a novice to this amazing hobby. When I had the pleasure to walk into the shooting centre I was welcomed like a life time member. I was helped instantly with the greatest service and they made the whole experience of buying my first firearm very easy. They advised me of all steps required got me set up with the right information, showed me everything and I mean EVERYTHING about the gun and how to take it down to bare parts.

I was very much pleased and they have now made a lifetime buyer out of me from them. I have already recommended them to multiple people and I believe it is great that other people appreciate their service and thank them for it instead of being ignorant #######s like some people can be that just bash a company when someone else is trying to thank them. If you have an opposite opinion do so elsewhere and let people have a chance to write something positive and not have to defend a company because someone else had a bad experience. I run my own business and it is great to know that people appreciate your business, it is great to hear what people didn't like so we may have the chance to fix the situation but its horrible when people ruin our positive discussion on petty things that could be directed and resolved else where
Very true, my statements were not towards anyone in particular as I just quickly read through some statements. it was merely a suggestions that it would be nice for a positive and a negative forum so like users can either share a good or bad experience . For instance I would love to be able to look at a forum of strictly bad reviews of gun shops to make sure of potential problems before arriving, it sucks sometimes to go through forums of good reviews to see bad ones and visa versa
that's why it's called a forum, for discussion and opinions
I have not yet, I will probably try it out this weekend as I have yet to have the chance to shoot my new 1911. I have spoken to some people about the screen and they love it, it is advisable if you are not a member there to call ahead and book a time as it takes another person to run and sometimes the screen is busy.
Did you happen to try out that "shooting screen" ?
Stop trolling. Out of the 6 posts you've made on this forum, all have been to complain about something about some forum sponsor.

Relax dude. Life is too short to be so negative. This thread isn't about prices. It is about customer service. Sometimes that is worth the price paid, even if it isn't the cheapest place to buy.
And on another note, we are lucky sometimes to get the things we desire seeing is how there is such a huge market and a limited supply...I appreciate the great customer service from site sponsors here when I make purchases as we all should.
Went to the range a bought another toy

I had no intention of buying another gun anytime soon. Really, especially after going to Vegas for Christmas and spending way more than I planned!

So I rounded up some ammo and went to the range for some 'aroma therapy' and like always, took a look around afterwards to see what was new on the shelves. Lots of nice pistols and revolvers but out of my price range right now

Then someone (you know who you are ;)) shows me a Norinco backpacker (12 gauge single shot) with a price tag of $125!Well how can I say no to that, I just put $130 in my truck to fill it up!

So I bought it! I've looked at them online but once I had it in my hands, (and for $125) I couldn't let it go! If only CSC could have the receipts that say "food bank donation" or something like that! At least this purchase will only cost me a small pair of earrings!
You are singing and all to familiar tune my good sir. I myself couldn't help myself with purchasing 4 new to me firearms in the last month (Ruger GP100, Remington 700 CDL, Marlin 336, SA 1873). And, to make things more interesting, my wife only knows of the first two, so I'm not sure what kind of earrings this will cost me...haha

What can ya say........a man likes his toys
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