Bad Boxing Day shopping experience at Marstar

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someone should stickie this......
Confucius say, "putting long gun in short crate will have pipe out end protruding".


Edited to add: I actually like the Marstar cases for the price. Not the best quality but I thought they'd hold up better than that during shipping. Must have been a tight fit like some had suggested. There's gotta be others who have received their SVTs with similar issues if this was the case.
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Wow...2 marstar hate threads on the main page...and there is a new thread started at say once a week or so... starting to think its not just whiney customers.....
It is quite obvious that there is nothing I can say, do, change, alter, to have people understand how this mess started, so I won't
The customer is 1000000000% right
Marstar is 1000000000000% wrong
John handled it wrong and knows nothing....

I think I covered everything ?
A couple of years ago I backed off trying to reply here it appeared to be waste of time with most present, I have come full circle I am back at that place....

Since I am obviously inept, rude, etc, etc, I simply won't reply on CGN, someone from our staff will.... You can try bullying him/her for a while

maybe once the company changes hands I can sit back and see how long their patience will endure ?

Hello John,
I am neither your friend nor your enemy but I feel uncomfortable to see the way this thread turned on and Even if i never had any problem dealing with you it seems that sometime your business is not perfect however I can't and do not want to believe that a business like yours has been ran for such a long time without kinda good management or decisions made.

You run a successful business and employ people, you must pay a lot of taxes and contribute certainly a lot to feed our useless government and for this, I do respect you a lot.

I know by experience that sometime things are getting the wrong way and even-though you don't have to take advise from me I would encourage you to take a rest and a glass and built up your plan for the future and I am sure we will see quickly a lot of happy client from Mastar on this forum forgetting immediately this pitiful and sad story.

I would also like to add that some other online gun sellers with a wonderful reputation can be the worst seller to deal with and that is what I am experiencing at this time (for a 6000$ rifle) but I do not see any reason to bash and threaten them in public.

If we all behave like gentlemen things will get better immediately for all of us.

Best regards to everyone.

Yeah, I think it might be a good time to kill these two threads. They’ve trolled you long enough, time to walk away from this mess.
Any business doing volume sales will run into the occasional problem.
It's how those problems are managed that counts to prospective customers.

More importantly...
I'd like an update on the grenade guys... :p
In all honesty, I think I will end up buying more from Marstar, for the simple fact that John is an everyday guy. He seems to call it like it is. He called him out like any other of us would have, with the same sort of language any one of us would have used. It's been proven that people who swear, tend to be more honest than those that don't. All John has proven, in my eyes, is that he is human. Tell it like it is, call out the phonies, and don't take s##t from anybody!! I will be in the market for possibly up to 3 firearms in the next month or 2, and will be my first online purchases, and Marstar has what I am interested in, at prices I can afford. Chances are, I will be calling Marstar!
3 weeks ago I wanted to go into e-business for myself , but this thread and the other one have kind of hosed down my enthusiasm for the whole thing... I dont think im strong enough...
It is quite obvious that there is nothing I can say, do, change, alter, to have people understand how this mess started, so I won't
The customer is 1000000000% right
Marstar is 1000000000000% wrong
John handled it wrong and knows nothing....

I think I covered everything ?
A couple of years ago I backed off trying to reply here it appeared to be waste of time with most present, I have come full circle I am back at that place....

Since I am obviously inept, rude, etc, etc, I simply won't reply on CGN, someone from our staff will.... You can try bullying him/her for a while

maybe once the company changes hands I can sit back and see how long their patience will endure ?

I agree that these types of threads seem to have gotten out of control ; it may be best to just respond to the complaint through a post , wait a few hours so that the OP can see what your response was.....then delete the thread........if not , these complaint threads seem to go on forever and solve nothing....just an observation . Take care
I am not an expert, but that does not looked like it is properly packaged.
Just my observation....

As i see it then were packed in a hard gun case it don't get any better then that for packing. Any idea what impact it takes to bust em open like that? The canada post truck had to have been in crash with a train or semi to bust em like that. Marstar packaging staff is not to blame here.
3 weeks ago I wanted to go into e-business for myself , but this thread and the other one have kind of hosed down my enthusiasm for the whole thing... I dont think im strong enough...

Dude, I've been self employed for many, many years, and it's a great way to live. But see this post from earlier in the thread:
The fact that there are this many threads, with the same underlining problem; communication.
The guy nailed it. It's about communication. All people want is to be informed. It's surprising how much they don't give any grief over problems as long as they know what's going on and that you're working on it. People get pissy at airports when there's a delay and nobody knows what's going on. people get pissy when they order online and their order has no status updates.

So, all you have to do is 1) keep your customers in the loop. I got your order. I charged your credit card. We expect to ship on Monday. We shipped on monday. We got notified it's delivered. Done, happy client. By the same token, the same series of events but throw in 'whoops, backordered, shipping on wednesday, then tell them on wednesday you've actually shipped - and almost nobody will complain. in fact, they'll be happy! They just want to know what's going on, nobody gets pissed if you take a bit of care.
2) if you do screw up, and you will, apologize and then fix it. and then to top it all off, review your processes and tell the client how you've changed to correct the problem.

This is all stuff you get to do when you're self employed. You don't have to let s*** just happen.

I get about 1 unhappy client per year, and I actually just had my one for 2014. Guy called and REAMED me. We went through it step by step, I explained everything that went wrong. And in one step, I'd screwed up (by not communicating, funnily enough - I skipped a step with the idea that it would make things quicker). I apologized, explained that I was trying to make things better not worse. Then I fixed the problem. Then I put in place processes in our company so that I don't do that again, and told the client. Result, one client who started angry and now is loyal.

The cool thing about doing your own business isn't the disgruntled customers. it s the fact that you can, if you want, provide exceptional customer service and keep people happy. That's the cool part - freedom to do it better than what others are doing.
well i got to hand it to Marstar for refunding a customer after such accident.
very good warranty service if you ask me.

after having problem with shipping company in the past i understand such problem, i had shipped a 8cyl 3XX~lbs engine packed in custom form in a 3ply box metal strapped to a big hardwood pallet in the past. with UPS, the engine arrived broken in half without any packaging to the customer. i can understand dropping the pallet a little, but to broke a cast engine and "loose" all packaging... thats something. i got all the blame too.
It is quite obvious that there is nothing I can say, do, change, alter, to have people understand how this mess started, so I won't
The customer is 1000000000% right
Marstar is 1000000000000% wrong
John handled it wrong and knows nothing....

I think I covered everything ?
A couple of years ago I backed off trying to reply here it appeared to be waste of time with most present, I have come full circle I am back at that place....

Since I am obviously inept, rude, etc, etc, I simply won't reply on CGN, someone from our staff will.... You can try bullying him/her for a while

maybe once the company changes hands I can sit back and see how long their patience will endure ?

John is taking his ball and going home!

You are rude and you are wrong. 1000000000000000000000000000000000% wrong.

If your staff are responsible for that package, then they are inept. 100000000000000000000000000000000000% inept.

This thread and others like it are warnings to other potential victims and not an attempted to solve anything. No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. (Albert Einstein)
I shipped a rifle or two in a hard case.
This exact same scenario had me nose twitchin.
To over come this mad fear, I cut pieces of card board to fit
at each end and made sure they reached both flat faces.
Cut multiple ones and stacked them in there to be sure
neither end could come out.
It sure wouldn't of worked in this shipping as the card board wouldn't
have any room in there.
This packaged was destined to fail the way it was shipped.
looks like they were packaged fine in cases. then air dropped from a 1000 feet.

Any idea what impact it takes to bust em open like that? The canada post truck had to have been in crash with a train or semi to bust em like that.

I think you two may be on to something here. Clearly the Liberal Party; being still butthurt over the loss of the long gun registry, has instructed Canada Post to randomly select packages containing guns as determined by x-ray analysis and hand them over to Air Canada for the "air drop" treatment. Of course, the CBC will never report on these back room dealings.
Come on now,,Stevie Wonder could clearly see that these guns where TOO LONG for those cheap cases...i do have to give credit to Marstar trying to pack them right...but the person responsible for packaging these things is clearly INEPT....doesnt take a genious to see that if Canada post rough handles them,,it's not going to go well..LOL...
the people shipping this stuff dont seem to care much,,,it's not THEIR easy solution when using these cases to ship,,in order to Canada Post or UPS proof them,,,slip a small piece of 1/8" plastic plate in the ends of the package,,,and use red house wrap tape,,,and it should help the packages to make it to destination,,,hate to see what this package would have looked like if it was going to BC,,LOL..
In all honesty, I think I will end up buying more from Marstar, for the simple fact that John is an everyday guy. He seems to call it like it is. He called him out like any other of us would have, with the same sort of language any one of us would have used. It's been proven that people who swear, tend to be more honest than those that don't. All John has proven, in my eyes, is that he is human. Tell it like it is, call out the phonies, and don't take s##t from anybody!! I will be in the market for possibly up to 3 firearms in the next month or 2, and will be my first online purchases, and Marstar has what I am interested in, at prices I can afford. Chances are, I will be calling Marstar!

Wow, you sir are much more tolerant than I. Question for you. Would you tolerate it if an owner ridiculed you like this in real life about a complaint in front of others and told you to get your mommy to read you the details of the contract to you? Maybe you would but I'd be pissed and would let him know where to stick it.

I'm not a business owner myself but if my employees treated one of my customers like this they would be fired. For an owner to act like this sets a poor example and image for the company in my opinion.

That said, I've purchased from Marstar a few times and they have all been great transactions. Frankly sometimes I found that they were the only place I could source that particular item so I didn't have a choice... But they haven't failed me yet. I just make the purchase and hope it goes smoothly. If something does go wrong, I guess I'd have to put my flame suit on before I emailed him to fix the problem.

What amazes me the most about all this is how many vastly different views there are on the same issue. Just confirms that you really can't please everyone. This thread needs a poll!
1. To make an unhappy customer unhappier is always a bad strategy.

2. Shipping is a part of your business, not customers.

3. Manage it when thing does go wrong, do not deny.
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