My first experience with Marstar... 13 years ago


I don't normally put up these kinds of posts, but this one has stuck with me for a LONG time.

This is going back 13 years ago, so I don't remember names or dates of course. I was 18 and just got my gun license. No one in my family owns guns or hunts etc, so have always been on my own with anything gun related. I was all happy with myself for ordering my very first gun from Marstar, a German K98 for $350. Little did I know back then that these rifles come packed in grease. So I fumbled my way through disassembling it (somehow) and got it cleaned up. It stank up the house pretty bad so mom and pop weren't very happy with me. haha Of course I didn't take apart the bolt/firing pin, so the first time I tried it it wouldn't go off. Checked the shells, and the firing pin was so caked up with grease it would only slightly dent the primer. I had NO clue what was going on, so called Marstar. After telling them my sad story haha, they told me they don't normally have people to the warehouse, but said I could make the hour drive and come see them. After meeting with the guys, of course they knew what was going on, took apart the bolt in about 14 seconds and had it cleaned up. Then took me out to their small range to test fire it and all was well.

Being 18 at the time, I never really thought of it and was just super happy my gun was working. I'm sure no one remembers and it's a very small thing, but it wasn't to me. I had a big smile on my face for the drive home.
I've always remembered the service and since then have appreciated it as I've bought quite a bit of rifles and ammo over the years.
I'm a pretty negative person, but have nothing but great things to say about Marstar. Thanks guys!
I drove from Ottawa to Montreal last December before Christmas and saw a sign that said Vanleek Hill.

Nobody else in the car got excited. All I could think of was that somewhere close was a warehouse full of wonderful things haha.
I have never dealt with Marstar, but I notice the threads either fall into the "MARSTAR FOR LIFE!" vs "MARSTAR S**KS!"

Most of the internet has turned into this A+ / F- mentality with no in between.

So if Marstar happens to have what I want, when I want it and charge a fair price than I will give them the business and judge for myself.

Glad you had a positive experience Brandon, and ultimately that is what is most important
Ordered once, excellent communication throughout. Excellent shipping and receipt. My only complaint is that "Marstar" seems to be French for "sold out". Get some inventory guys!
I dealt with Marstar twice.
Got my M305 off them.

Both times they screwed up my order, but both times they fixed it in short order.
I'd deal with them again.
I have never dealt with Marstar, but I notice the threads either fall into the "MARSTAR FOR LIFE!" vs "MARSTAR S**KS!"

Most of the internet has turned into this A+ / F- mentality with no in between.

So if Marstar happens to have what I want, when I want it and charge a fair price than I will give them the business and judge for myself.

Glad you had a positive experience Brandon, and ultimately that is what is most important

Thats exactly the problem with the internet. A company can make 1,000,000 products and only have issues with less than 1% of them. But before the internet that was acceptable and you'd never hear about it becauseof the such small sample size. But now that small voice has a massive megaphone and everyone can hear them. Sometimes its good like when Jeldwin screwed up my front doors and didn't want to do anything. Simply start posting on their facebook page and they now want to help. Other times it gives a false impression.
I'll chime in:

I've dealt with Marstar maybe 50 times, including all the South African plated bullets I used to buy. I've been out to the bunker at least three times, and met John on two of those occasions.

Marstar is great. Nice bunch, amazingly neat products, and fantastic service. I would, and will, buy from Marstar anytime.
I've been happy with all of my many dealings with Marstar. Others haven't been and given the volume of business they do, complaints are inevitable, what's more telling is Marstar deals with complaints. I have the impression that resolutions aren't always speedy, but for those who can be reasonably satisfied, they are.

I'm sure that many of the complaints and their resolution are never posted on CGN. Most that are posted here IMO did not occur following a meaningful attempt at resolution. We have people who have received a package five minutes previously, whose first impulse is a cry to the world through CGN, others sent an email yesterday, talked to one person, etc. and hadn't made a real effort at resolution ("But I shouldn't have had to!". yea, yea). By the time they post on CGN, it's not a resolution they want, but to vent and try to influence others into a boycott.

I don't think that I have the stomach for retail........
The guarantee makes the difference. I trust them to look after me, and they have done so when I needed them to.

I do wish their webmaster would clean up the site, though, and eliminate all of the out of stock items that we probably won't see again in the near term (yugo mausers, AIA enfields etc...)

It's sort of like my dad, who has a basement bar with 2 or 3 dozen empty bottles on top that have been there for years ;)
I don't normally put up these kinds of posts, but this one has stuck with me for a LONG time.

This is going back 13 years ago, so I don't remember names or dates of course. I was 18 and just got my gun license. No one in my family owns guns or hunts etc, so have always been on my own with anything gun related. I was all happy with myself for ordering my very first gun from Marstar, a German K98 for $350. Little did I know back then that these rifles come packed in grease. So I fumbled my way through disassembling it (somehow) and got it cleaned up. It stank up the house pretty bad so mom and pop weren't very happy with me. haha Of course I didn't take apart the bolt/firing pin, so the first time I tried it it wouldn't go off. Checked the shells, and the firing pin was so caked up with grease it would only slightly dent the primer. I had NO clue what was going on, so called Marstar. After telling them my sad story haha, they told me they don't normally have people to the warehouse, but said I could make the hour drive and come see them. After meeting with the guys, of course they knew what was going on, took apart the bolt in about 14 seconds and had it cleaned up. Then took me out to their small range to test fire it and all was well.

Being 18 at the time, I never really thought of it and was just super happy my gun was working. I'm sure no one remembers and it's a very small thing, but it wasn't to me. I had a big smile on my face for the drive home.
I've always remembered the service and since then have appreciated it as I've bought quite a bit of rifles and ammo over the years.
I'm a pretty negative person, but have nothing but great things to say about Marstar. Thanks guys!

... And then I found 5 dollars.
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