Notifications from Marstar

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I'd leave too if I were him. The egocentric internet-generation with their "gimme what I want NOW" attitude is unbearable. I can't imagine having to pay to deal with these babies.

Those of us who want to shop Marstar will just bookmark his website.

PS: I hope he gets more 9mm Chinese Tokarevs in!
Marstar is a large business operation....John is in his 70's and (I think) a vetran of our armed forces. I'm pretty surprised at the way people #### all over him and wonder if maybe they would show a little more respect if they knew that...
Try and imagine that this wasn't enough to get him to close the doors, but the bull#### he has dealt with here on CGN for the last 10 years is enough to ditch as a sponsoring dealer. We don't pay anything to be a members on CGN....dealers do.
And I bet when I'm 78 I will be a crotchety old bastard when people start soap-boxing and finger pointing at me or my business as well...

Holy cow, "we're the RCMP, we can do what we want" "take our picture and we'll get you"

Really helps with public relations.
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