Notifications from Marstar

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I read that your are considering/deciding to leave CGN.
Is there anyway for me to stay in the know of your sales and new products?
If not would it be possible to start a mail out?

I hope something can be sorted out because you give some pretty wicked deals, and bring some cool stuff in.

(Ps to all you Marstar haters, please don't ruin this thread for those of us genuinely interested in buying from Marstar)
This is sad to hear, I have made 1 purchase from them, my first restricted, and I found them awesome to deal with and would look forward to dealing with them in the future. I will go the facebook route and have their web site bookmarked.
this site has dropped off significantly since the demise of the LGR. people went bad to sleep and think it was some sort of victory..... it was nothing more than a small win....sheeple
(Ps to all you Marstar haters, please don't ruin this thread for those of us genuinely interested in buying from Marstar)[/QUOTE]

Maybe it's jealousy? John deals in items most can only dream about, or see in a museum or on the big screen. Everyone has the choice to support whoever they choose. Maybe dealers need more control over their forums? That way they could stop the few haters from trying to bully them. Maybe people could post with their real names? Maybe a lawyer could watch over posts and shut people down when the slander starts? Maybe people should have to blow into a breathalyzer before they can be allowed to post? A sad reflection on a few.
most if not all the people making all the noise are new or low posters . Im hoping marstar stays on CGN but if not i may try and get on some kind of email list as everyone of my many dealings have been great, he even replaced a crate of ammo that canpar lost for me :)
i would also like a newsletter/email feature from marstar if they are thinking about implementing it, ( facebook page already liked and website bookmarked! ) also helped my friend buy his first ever rifle from marstar last week! :)
Here is what i wrote on P&D page, reply to someone who pee on them... Just my 2 cent's but :
What's going on on CGN, i'am here for quite long time now, but, i'am less interested and read way much less then before !!!! Shure, still VERY good post and informations but.... so much post are baby crying because they don't get their toy the very next day they pay for it, the lady at the front desk didn't look good, was not answered properly over the phone, they take a 50$ deposit to order my 5000$ SPECIAL BUILD rifle, they don't have this and that in stock, they took my name to buy a rifle, ammo, knife, pant's, shirt and so and so and so.......
It look more like a contest for the most stupid complaint then a place where GOOD FRIENDS share information, picture, trick, like it use to be.
Some post are LIGIT and OK but most of them can be solved with a phone call without crying or bashing the dealer or the person itself... Hey, you don't like the dealer, shut up and GO SOME WHERE ELSE...
My suggestion : Should have a spot on CGN called MOURN WALL, everybody that what to spit on a dealer or on someone can do it THERE so WE are free to go and read or NOT instead of reading the new's and always fall in the trap....
Again, just my 2 cent's but probably some old member think the same !!!
I miss the good old CGN when we were all friends, now it seem there is to much big mouth that cry for nothing.... Keep the good work bashing OUR dealer and we will end up with no more CGN as anyway, thoses baby will cry because they refuse to pay to be member here !!!! People give time and money to support and maintain this site and all what some do is give them ####, unbelivable.... Some still have 2yo in their head !!!!
I've nothing but a good experience dealing with Marstar. Hope they stick around but as long as they have a website I can still shop there.
I can see the point though. Why pay for grief? You can get plenty of that for free.....
Here is what i wrote on P&D page, reply to someone who pee on them... Just my 2 cent's but :
What's going on on CGN, i'am here for quite long time now, but, i'am less interested and read way much less then before !!!! Shure, still VERY good post and informations but.... so much post are baby crying because they don't get their toy the very next day they pay for it, the lady at the front desk didn't look good, was not answered properly over the phone, they take a 50$ deposit to order my 5000$ SPECIAL BUILD rifle, they don't have this and that in stock, they took my name to buy a rifle, ammo, knife, pant's, shirt and so and so and so.......
It look more like a contest for the most stupid complaint then a place where GOOD FRIENDS share information, picture, trick, like it use to be.
Some post are LIGIT and OK but most of them can be solved with a phone call without crying or bashing the dealer or the person itself... Hey, you don't like the dealer, shut up and GO SOME WHERE ELSE...
My suggestion : Should have a spot on CGN called MOURN WALL, everybody that what to spit on a dealer or on someone can do it THERE so WE are free to go and read or NOT instead of reading the new's and always fall in the trap....
Again, just my 2 cent's but probably some old member think the same !!!
I haven't been here that long but the quoted bunch of whining style posts is all too frequent. I'm not a Marstar customer but I do appreciate what he's offering people. Truth be told, I'd probably be more like him if I were in his shoes given the bunch of whining posts I read.

I'll bookmark his website and check it often. Screw the whiners.
Marstar is a large business operation....John is in his 70's and (I think) a vetran of our armed forces. I'm pretty surprised at the way people #### all over him and wonder if maybe they would show a little more respect if they knew that...
Try and imagine that this wasn't enough to get him to close the doors, but the bull#### he has dealt with here on CGN for the last 10 years is enough to ditch as a sponsoring dealer. We don't pay anything to be a members on CGN....dealers do.
And I bet when I'm 78 I will be a crotchety old bastard when people start soap-boxing and finger pointing at me or my business as well...
From what I have read I think John would be a lot better off if he just responded directly to the OP complaints and ignored (and deleted) all of the peanut galleries naysaying that he ends up responding to. Every Marstar thread has the same guys baiting him. A response isn't required to the sniping and, IMO, the posts should be deleted and the posters should be invited to not post in Marstars forum in the future.

John, keep dealing with your customers as they're happy to have you here. Ignore the rest. Arguing on the internet never gets you anywhere.
^^^this. I've been waiting to buy from john for financial and storage reasons but look forward to dealing many times in the near future with him.
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