Sunday 30 March 2014 M1 Garand Clinic at BRRC, Burlington, ON - Limited to 15 ONLY


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
Georgian Bay, ON
It's official, my first M1 Garand Clinic (after 46 M14 clinics, ha ha ha ha). The M1 Garand is the grand daddy of the M14 and I've competed with M1 Garands for years and always in .308; interpret that as "I had to do my own barrel replacements."

AND YES, we will rebarrel or install your .30-06 Government issued barrel if you bring your build parts! :D

So if you have a receiver and a barrel to put together, we can make this happen for you at this clinic. I have all the tools. I can even install your .308 Win chambered barrel and then finish ream that chamber and then you test fire at BRRC indoor range. :D How awesome is this clinic gonna be? :)


BRRC, Burlington Rifle & Revolver Club in Burlington, ON


Sunday, March 30th 2014


$ 50 for the day


Gather for 0830
Casual Start at 0900
Ending at 1600

Registration and Payment:

EMT the $50 to me with this information:

Name: Tactical Teacher
Question: What was your OLD CGN handle?
Answer: hungry (low caps, no spaces) that way I cannot screw things up

What is involved:

- Tools for tweaking, tools to avoid, tools that are nice to have but expensive, tools that are overrated and too expensive
- Gadgets that are nice to have, need to have, and useless to have (but I had to buy it to show you)
- Tools that you can make yourself instead of buying, tools that you can have buddies (owe you favors) make up for you
- Stripping the boomstick (you will be surprised at what I can show you)
- YES we will pull your rear sights apart, and then get serious with them
- Assembling the boomstick, and what to look for so that worthwhile tweaks can be or should be made
- Tweaks that work, tweaks that don't work, expensive tweaks so yer #### does not fall off
- Useless tweaks unless you have more money than shooting ability (many stories to follow at the clinic)
- Common pitfalls, expensive tweaks that work, more ways to ensure that yer #### don't fall off
- Lunch and then tweaking in the afternoon to tighten up your prized M1 Garand
- Lots of networking and socializing all the time. This is priceless.
- I am set up to install your USGI or Government .30-06 barrel, no finish chambering needed.
- I am set up to install your .308 Win barrel on your receiver and then FINISH Chamber, then you test fire at BRRC in the afternoon

Things to bring for Day 1:

* Your M1 Garand rifle or receiver(s) with barrel(s) to be installed
* Notebook, pens, digital camera, rags,
* Ball peen hammer, Allen keys SAE since this ain't an M14 clinic
* Punches, screwdrivers, more punches
* Plastic or rubber mallet, wood block or 2
* Masking tape, duct tape
* Ammo for you dudes that wanna test fire

Final Words:

* Only 15 people get to attend (small classroom space)
* Yes we can test fire (did not say sight in, but let's see if time permits)
* You wanna get your barrels screwed on and indexed? Here's your chance
* Please don't bring them collectible M1 Garands that are signed by Jean C. Garand & unissued
* I'm focusing on the "Shooter" Garand and "Match Tuned" Garands since that's my background
* First come, first served (that means register by EMT'ing me $50 fee)

Questions? Post them right here in this forum!


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I just got a Garand and you put this course on my Borden CQB course......Rats!!

Get to the CQB course in Borden. That's more important. They happen only once a year in the month(s) of April. My M1 Garand clinic will be popping up at different locations and times. I've got a much more flexible schedule for running M1 Garand clinics than your top instructor / guru , Timfoo has. :D

I will be hosting more and more of the M1 Garand clinics because I'm fielding many requests for help with the builds! :)

Since this is an unrestricted rifle, we don't need any kind of invite from the club (BRRC) to attend this clinic, right? It wasn't mentioned in the initial post above, so I'm assuming no invite required, but please advise if otherwise.
No invite needed. That's the beauty of nonrestricted fun. See ya at the clinic.

And yes we still have spaces there. Some people are bringing Garand and a few have their M14 rifles.

Accurizing techniques are similar and also parallel.

Cheers, Barney
Dammit, dammit, dammit. This is the only time you'll hear me say I wish I lived in Onterrible ;) when you gonna hold one in AB?
Dammit, dammit, dammit. This is the only time you'll hear me say I wish I lived in Onterrible ;) when you gonna hold one in AB?

ha ha ha

I've been appointed to run the PR (read : sniper) matches for the ORA (provincial level) so this role as Match Director will likely slow down my schedule for the coming summer. We have to wait and see how my spring unfolds... :D

I cannot make any plans to head out west at this point at the end of this winter. :cool:

All is looking good for Sunday. Even some warmer temperatures...

Will bring the barrel vise and the finish reamer so that we can rebarrel.

I have white grease pencils for sale $2.00 to mark your sights, brands, drawing numbers, all that fun stuff

I have 8 rd clips and 5 rd clips for sale as well

Gathering the tools up and stuff for sale tonight. We are gonna have a poopload of fun!

Thanks be to Skeetgunner for making this happen. He's a great Rifle Chairperson for BRRC. :cool:

Packing the truck right now. Got grease pencils for sale, 8 rd clips / 5 rd clips for sale, grease syringes, M14 castle nut pliers,

We are gonna have fun.

See you guys tomorrow. Please drive safely. Gather for 0830 and we start at 0900.

What a simply amazing day......I should have brought a spare brain....mine is completely full!

This was clinic #5 for me, and the third one that I've had the privilege of hosting at BRRC. I am continually amazed that I learn something new EVERY time! Barrel installation and indexing on an M1 Beretta was very cool! Also very happy that 5 of the guys took the opportunity to function check their rifles on the range.

Its always super cool to meet all the new guys and put cgn avatar names to faces. Hope everyone had a great day, and a safe trip home.

Maybe we can run a two day clinic in the future... :)
That was a fantastic clinic. I also learned some more things since the last one I attended. The highlight for me was getting my NOS Garand barrel installed courtesy of Barney's new mobile barrel vise.
For those who weren't there, Barney's new mobile device is amazing. The marriage of traditional tooling with mobile device technology. (That'll keep them guessing Barney.) ;)

Thanks to BRRC for the use of their facility.
And most of all, Thanks again Barney!
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