Swiss Arms class action


CGN frequent flyer
In light of the recent actions of the RCMP re-classifying the Swiss Arms rifles to prohibited status PGW Defence Technologies will donate $5000.00 to the legal fund supporting the class action litigation as outlined by Ed Burlew and we would furthermore challenge all Canadian firearms businesses to do the same.

While we do not currently produce any semi-automatic rifles we do produce rifles that one day could be subject to the same arbitrary, unnecessary and inane actions the RCMP have applied to the Swiss Arms line which is completely unacceptable and me must do all we can as a community to stop the erosion of our rights.

Something everyone needs to remember is that there is quite probably not a single firearm in existance that does not share ancestry with military versions. The Mauser is a military rifle, so is the Lee-Enfield, so is the Mosin Nagant, so is the SKS, the Remington 700 could be classified as a variant of the M24, the M305 could be argued as a variant of the M14. Even the venerable old Winchester lever action 30-30 deer rifle was a military firearm at one point in history. All firearms share similarities to military service firearms because the military is the primary purchaser and investor in firearms development.
i hate this situation we are in but I'm glad to see the community working together and stepping up PGW big thumbs up
A very impressive donation.

Thank you.

I have been dying to find the funding to buy one of your beautiful creations.
(I have a few items I could possibly trade…..)
I love the spiral fluting.

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Thank you for stepping up to the plate like that.
I've never heard of your company or products before but they are really nice.
Hopefully one day I will buy one or your toy....
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