JR Cox comments on the Swiss Arms situation

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So has Swiss Arms contributed to the reclassification? I though I read that somewhere a while back but I wouldn't know where to find that. They would know if it the same family as the 550 would they not? This prohibited by name discrimination is the stupidest thing ever... what's the difference between this and a mini 14? There should be a fair standard with regards to the classification system where there is no more confusion and isn't left open to anyone coming in later and stabbing the honest Canadians in the back...
Good response.
We have to stand together whenever possible.
The fault lies with the RCMP.

I firmly disagree! The fault lies entirely with the government that allowed the RCMP to acquire and abuse this much authority and any government that continues to allow them to abuse the taxpayers that they work for.
Thanks for the video JR, that was a mature and impressive speech. Considering most people won't take responsibility for their own actions let alone apologize for their role in an event, good on you. I was surprised that you provided your cell phone number and invited people to call you about this issue, that is a bold move and took some serious balls to do. I was tempted to call you to say this but I'm sure you get bugged enough about all this as it is.
Times Two

Thanks for the video JR, that was a mature and impressive speech. Considering most people won't take responsibility for their own actions let alone apologize for their role in an event, good on you. I was surprised that you provided your cell phone number and invited people to call you about this issue, that is a bold move and took some serious balls to do. I was tempted to call you to say this but I'm sure you get bugged enough about all this as it is.

Very professional JR - you have set the bar high for all those involved.
Good one! JR that will help a little with all the stress & tension.

Ya gotta know, if it was not the Swiss Arms it would be something else it was just a matter of time.
not entirely satisfied personally...sure you my have donated hundreds of thousands to charities, but how much are you donating to the swiss arms situation you had a part in?
Thank you JR.
We all make mistakes, and to own up to the masses take guts, you earned my respect. Not everyone will do what you did when things go wrong.
The fault is with the government that pass the FireArms Act, the majority government on watch that is allowing this to happen.

As for the RCMP role one can only speculate without detail info on how the initial SA was approved.

As for JR he is in an unique position of being an importer and a "SA expert" so his responsibilities are also unique. His obligations may extend beyond SSS.
well that took some balls, not sure if I would have what it takes to do that if I was involved in something like this.
Lets hope it adds fuel the fire and wakes up some the sleepy gun owners.

I will admit, I thought some pretty nasty things about JR. However, his response today, his willingness to take responsibility for what happened and to also step up to the plate to make things right has gone a very long way to repairing the damage. Others (especially politicians) should take note, that is how a MAN takes responsibility for his actions and apologizes.

Good on you, JR.

Now, let's put that behind us and focus on the task at hand. The RCMP has taken advantage of the very poorly crafted C-68 Firearms Act to declare war on law abiding gun owners. Apparently, they have acted to prohibit the CZ858 today in addition to the Swiss Arms Classic Green.

We need to rally behind the NFA/CSSA and fight these buggers tooth and nail.

The Conservatives are down in the polls. They need every single vote and every dollar to fight the Liberals and NDP in the next election. Together, gun owners represent a sizeable block of voters and a lot of money. It is time to mobilize that power and demand they act on C-68.

There is no time to fight amongst ourselves, that only benefits the RCMP, Liberals and NDP who want to take away ALL of our firearms.


- Jayne
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