JR Cox comments on the Swiss Arms situation

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If he is honest, and time will tell, then it's worth giving him a second chance. Sometimes people can learn from their mistakes, I try to.
Sorry, but I can't imagine being an owner who has to forfeit this without compensation, due to JR's actions, and then doing business with him again. I can't get there. If you can, great.
I'm sorry who are you to tell me to Grow a pair? And where did I say to not do anything? I simply said that statement works both ways. That sort of naivete is what started this whole mess.


I'm a concerned firearms owner who understands that government must be constrained to obey it's citizens, not the other way around.

Originally Posted by shotgun

Unfortunately, we may think that, but the truth is that if we convince the powers that be there is no difference, that won't lead to Sig being non-restricted again. That'll lead to Mini 14 also being prohibited. You see the logic works both ways and that's the mentality law makers seem to have.

You said if we convince the powers that be that there is no difference between a Mini-14 and a Swiss Arms that they'll ban both. So we should cower in fear? Say nothing lest more of our toys be taken? What do you suggest we do? Let's have some positive thoughts here please!

As I said, grow a pair, stand up for yourself and your fellow firearms enthusiasts. Defeatist comments don't help. And please, calling me naive (and worse - blaming people who spoke out for causing this mess) after your simplistic characterization of "law makers" is laughable. That kind of defensiveness is what they want from you.

They are coming for you next, whether you hide or you stand up with us. Be ready!
Sorry, but I can't imagine being an owner who has to forfeit this without compensation, due to JR's actions, and then doing business with him again. I can't get there. If you can, great.

I never said I'd give him business again, but I am willing to forgive him enough to tolerate his presence. I was one of the people who added my name to the threads that wanted TSE ejected from these forums.
Sorry, but I can't imagine being an owner who has to forfeit this without compensation, due to JR's actions, and then doing business with him again. I can't get there. If you can, great.

Thank You for the breath of reality. His profit was made, owners of these rifles stand to loose a fair dollar, that was taxed too boot. Again, I realize he is only partial at fault. But to buy another product from the hand that bit you...
A video apology with no reference of any compensation to any of his customers of these rifles if lost, is pretty hollow to me.
Great job JR! Let's make this an opportunity to instill some change. Maybe gun owners will get off their Asses and realize this is just the beginning of their plan.
Wonder when the haters are gonna blame the newly announced CZ858 prohibition on JR.

JR had nothing to do with CZ858, but prohibit anyways, how can that be.

Firearms Act is the problem, get that abolished.
May be this whole $hit show is the catalyst we needed to get everyone to work together to get our gun laws changed. I know it doesn't seem like it now but this could be a good thing.

Now get off your butts and write your member of parliament and the PM. I have.

JR, nobody should hold you responsible for the actions of the RCMP.
I just renewed my membership at TSE a month ago for my second year. I like my club and after seeing the JR video I was impressed with his response in a messed up situation. I will continue to support TSE and I am encouraged from all the posts on here. Well done JR...
I just renewed my membership at TSE a month ago for my second year. I like my club and after seeing the JR video I was impressed with his response in a messed up situation. I will continue to support TSE and I am encouraged from all the posts on here. Well done JR...

Been reading a ton this last two days... there has been ... shall we say... a lot of activity.
I was also impressed... posting your cell number was ballsy and to me says volumes.

Well done Gun Nutz... keep the pressure up... emails and letters....
I think he is on the right track, but regardless of what he is now doing, it seems like WE all need to continue to keep the pressure up - Keep e-mailing, calling, letter-mailing any and all who have anything to do with decisions made higher up. The pressure needs to be on.
Wonder when the haters are gonna blame the newly announced CZ858 prohibition on JR.

JR had nothing to do with CZ858, but prohibit anyways, how can that be.

Firearms Act is the problem, get that abolished.

Agreed, he had nothing to do with that & I have mentioned numerous times he is not completely to blame. But that "spilled milk" others have mentioned, won't get cleaned up by itself. You want to make good? Cut a concession to those who purchased Swiss Arms rifles from him. No I am not one of those people...

I know the root of the problem is the firearms act & an out of control tech branch. But to not consider his initial intentions is foolish. IMO there was more to gain than simply reporting, what he thought was a C/A.
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