JR Cox comments on the Swiss Arms situation

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JR, can you tell us wich other firearms your "due dilligence"plans to send to RCMP for possible reclassification?

Reminds me I have to call the cops as I just saw a car driving 90km/h in a 70km/h zone...
This, oh and there's this guy I saw jaywalking. I'll take a pic on my phone and forward it on to the cops.
I am kinda curious to see what your efforts to furthering the shooting communities in Canada will look like. Hopefully depending on the actions it will encourage many more to do the same.
If only it didn't take stuff like the recent to motivate people (not commenting on TSE directly, but the entire community directly)
These guns and all tactical variants were earmarked by RCMP already.This very issue might be the best thing that happened to us.

If the CPC backs us and quote "Makes sure this never happens again" Im thinking a rewrite of some laws are possible.

Guns were lost guns in 91 under PC, paperweights, no compensation, effected again in 95

Well be lost again in the near future if this thing dosnt get sorted out under the CPC.

This is it, because under liberals, we are all done
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I think some people are failign to miss the point od his 'due dilligence' If he sold a prohibited fire arm (remember ignorence is no excuse), and the buyer got caught with it then who gets in #### for possesion and selling the idem? he did what was right, althoguht the outcoem wasent what he or anyone else expected.. Good on him for doing whats right! Good on you JR and keep on keeping on!!!!
Sorry, but you basically said nothing.

I'm not sure where all of this praise is coming from, but IMO, you don't really deserve it.

I give you credit for formulating some kind of response, but it was, at best, a non-reponse reponse.
Good on you! Glad I searched for some real info instead of listening to the crap being spewed all over this site by those more willing to point fingers and lay blame after the fact than to move forward and make some good come of this. It's not what happens in life, but how you deal with it that really counts.

Am I the only one on here who is completely disgusted with the mere mention of compensation??? That kind of discussion is akin to complete compliance in my books. It sends the message that we are willing to fully accept gun confiscation as long as we are paid back for our small investment, which I believe redirects the matter at hand. We should be only talking about what gun control does NOT do, which is make this country safer from those that already disregard laws that are more clear cut than our flawed gun classification system.

Regardless I am in the process of constructing a letter for as many applicable representatives as I can dig up. As well as one for the numerous firearms businesses in this area as a plea for help and to help spread the word, as this situation has an undesirable effect on EVERY firearms enthusiast!
The men in Boston didn't write to their MP-let's start dumping tea. We need to march a few hundred thousand strong. CCIS/RCMP/SENATE(100% gone)/75% of Government and bureaucracy gone(New Zealand did it and are debt free). In New Zealand once a year the PM is up for review, if the people aren't happy he's fired immediately. Our senate especially needs to be gone. Even laws voted 100 to 0 go through senate readings and may be killed there(remember the long gun registry).
well done JR , all us members know what you stand for and what you have done for this community
now all gun owners everywhere need to stand up and fight this
The men in Boston didn't write to their MP-let's start dumping tea. We need to march a few hundred thousand strong. CCIS/RCMP/SENATE(100% gone)/75% of Government and bureaucracy gone(New Zealand did it and are debt free). In New Zealand once a year the PM is up for review, if the people aren't happy he's fired immediately. Our senate especially needs to be gone. Even laws voted 100 to 0 go through senate readings and may be killed there(remember the long gun registry).

Think long and hard before you post. You might just end up in print. Whether you like it or not this website is the Canadian firearms community and getting all "revolutionary" don't help.
JR has been a friend of mine since day 1 and as I entered the hobby, I have never said anything bad about him or will, it's a ####ty situation all around, he served out country and had the balls to clarify this situation, you can't ask for a better fellow hobbyist, and before this mess he only ever did good, I will still support the edge 100% you ugh have no idea what he did for Calgary and southern and centeral Alberta before he was around, he has helped
This sport grow 10000% keep up the good work ! Cheers :)
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