JR Cox comments on the Swiss Arms situation

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The lynch mob and pick up truck draggers were never the types for waiting to know the facts. We still don't, but nothing is simple. We expect the Antis to give gun owners the benefit of the doubt and yet so many on this forum are ready to crucify their own at the drop of a hat.
With luck some real good will come out of this.
Well no mater what the mob says this looks like a stand up move to me. We may not like someone or something they have done but right now we need to put differences aside and fight together. I don't like the guy who keeps letting his dog #### on my lawn but if he knocked on my door today and asked how he could help I wouldn't leave him out in cold.
As a gun dealer and importer JR is responsible for the "due diligence" he explained in his video. Many of us understood this from the start while some considered it a pissing match with a competitor. If nothing else, this has begun to unify the Canadian firearm community and may result in a greater good by sealing up loopholes like the one used for the recent reclassification. Hopefully with our own "due diligence" we will come out on top.
Well done, great way to get your message out to all. Providing your cell number/email then offering anyone with questions to contact you directly says a lot to me.

Keep up the pressure so this nonsense ends and the owners of Swiss Arms can continue enjoying a great rifle.
Anyone of us could become an inadvertent catalyst for the JBT's nonsense, but take note that is how an apology should be done.
Although I think sending something to the RCMP to check if it's "ok" is kind of dumb, I never really held TSE to blame. JR may have triggered the analysis but it's our laws that were imposed by the Liberals & upheld by the Conservatives and manipulated by the RCMP.
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As far as I can see it's a 2 prong issue. No one is losing sight of the big picture & that is the reform of Canadian gun laws & in the same point, more federal control of the RCMP.

But as I mentioned in the other thread started as well; I will take a stab & say aprox. 6.3 million stand to be lost by fellow shooters. My figure might be off, but the actual number is still quite significant!
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