Mr Wolverine

CGN Regular
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Manitoba. Canada
With the current situation with reports on the re-classification of firearms there are now so many threads on CGN that I can not keep up with it all. The number of threads is great but please keep writing those letters to your MP.

If anyone has any questions for me please post them here and I will reply to them ASAP. I will be out of the country from Tuesday for a week and will only have limited access to my e-mails.

The question has been asked that if we had sales records would we hand them over? First we would have to find them and then assuming we did they would not be handed over with out a court order. Even then they are so outdated they would have about zero value, remember we have not sold a CZ 858 for over a year and when we did sell them the majority went to other dealers.

The question has been asked how can I tell if my rifle is on the hit list? Don't worry if yours is not on todays list it will be in the future:) Seriosly the point is that we are all under attack, if we do not stop the re-classification now things will never be the same.

Relax no one is going to have their door kicked down tomorrow. The Government has to decide what their next move is and then give us all a "grace period" in which to comply. We must use this time to keep the pressure on our MPs.
This fight will require $.
But what organization is best to support? which legal trust is best?
where is the best place to provide "smart" money?
Right now the NFA has appeared to be more active than the CSSA, but both organisations are worth supporting in my opinion. I just wish they would join forces. There are two lawyers starting two different actions, Ed Burlew and Solomon Friedman both are very legit.

Here's as it stands now (from what I've seen): CSSA has teamed up with lawyer Ed Burlew to launch a class-action suit. I'm not a legal expert in any way, but I believe that class-action is a civil suit for recompensation - somebody please correct me if I am mistaken here. It looks like Mr. Burlew and CSSA are trying to make sure that Swiss owners get paid for their seisures. They do take donations, and I'm sure they appreciate every bit. I do not know how #GunGrab2014 has affected their membership numbers or fundraising.

NFA I can speak more confidently about. We have enlisted lawyer Solomon Friedman to work with us on section 74 hearings ( as an appeal that these reclassifications are unconstitutional. We have also publically called for the resignation of RCMP comissioner Bob Paulson. You might be pleased to see that Brian Lilley is in agreement with us, as evidenced by a very recent segment he did on his show Byline. (

We're very fired up with the momentum we've been gaining from coast to coast, and we're going to keep it up. Our web presence alone jumped up to 18,000 members, our server had to have ean emergency mirror migration because our usual traffic has tripled (if I understand it correctly). As for new paid memberships, I can't give a number, but I did hear that one single donor put up $10,000 by himself. I can just imagine the rest of the numbers. I've never been so proud of the NFA. Sometimes adversity brings out the best in people. I'm also very proud of the work our Executive VP and Ottawa lobbyist Shawn Bevins has been doing. I don't know if I could do what he does, even for a million bucks. As far as PR and outreach, I'd say that NFA is the more effective brand.

Either way you go, your money is fuel for the fight. Donate to one, donate to the other, donate to both, it's all good.

Even if you can't afford to contribute dollars, postage to our MPs is free when addressed to the House of Commons. Send your thoughts (politely and maturely worded) to our elected officials, and invite them to do what's right.
Right now the NFA has appeared to be more active than the CSSA, but both organisations are worth supporting in my opinion. I just wish they would join forces. There are two lawyers starting two different actions, Ed Burlew and Solomon Friedman both are very legit.

Remember the NFA also has a draw for a 50BMG, one entry for every $50 donation wink wink. But like you said they both need support.
Remember the NFA also has a draw for a 50BMG, one entry for every $50 donation wink wink. But like you said they both need support.

Yeah there's that.... +grin+


Also worth noting: Wolverine is a dealer of these firearms, too.
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Thank you John for picking up the fight for us legitimate and law abiding gun owners. This is where we need reputable business owners like yourself show everyone on this forum your value add to the gun owners community. Thank you again and have a safe trip.
Thank you.
NFA membership and donation is in order.
i truly believe a united front and a common voice will be most effective.
leadership,communication and organization is the recipe for success.
What should we say in our letters to the mp? I am not an owner of the Swiss arms, or cz858 rifles, but I agree that we are under attack. My rifles could be next.

Please, any advice on what to say?
John, I applaud your rise to leadership of the masses. I wish to thank you for being a true help to the cause. We can only hope that this goes the way we need it too. You have my support, as im sure you are gathering others. THANK YOU
A letter to my MP typed on his FACEBOOK page.
Not entirely sure if that is the most efficient route but certainly the quickest.
Cool heads need to prevail, and hopefully we can all remember to represent our community as professionally as we can.
I added comments to the RCMP FACEBOOK page and sadly the comments were un-professional and the message conveyed will be lost in profanity and threats.

Thank you John for being the calm,collected voice.
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