any clinics coming to AB this year?

Sorry my AB friends... I cannot make it this coming July. My Precision Rifle schedule running the matches for the ORA is going to put a monkey wrench in my business dealings since I'm a volunteer for the ORA (read: I don't make a penny from ORA events, end of story) even if I gotta put up with the naysayers and haters around here. :cool:

I've been across the country 3X (2010, 2012, and 2013) and I'm really going to feel anxious to get on the road this summer, but Ottawa will be as far as I get to go (NSCC Nationals, here I come) :D

if i might make a suggestion?

you should put up a thread here on your forum which each province and have people sign up, then if and when you decide to run a course in that province you can email those people that have put their names and contact info on that thread.

would give you an idea of which areas are looking and would let people know that they will know when you get out and about again.
i know im fearful that ill miss out on the next alberta course again just because i check back here so infrequently.
I would likely attend (depends on my work and if I can get time off) an alberta clinic, edmonton area would be preferred :)
Heck I will arrange to host a M1A workshop at Ponoka Fish & Game Association if you are in the neighbourhood this year or next just let me know and we will work out the details.

I'm trying to contact my pointman in CGY to see if we can do this in August. A tiny window of opportunity just opened up today (06 May).

Keep you all posted!

definately... I've been trying for 4 years to be free when you're in town. Edmonton, Red Deer, Calgary... all are good for me and I'll be free for most of August ;)
Sorry my AB brothers... I just cannot spare the time this summer. Maybe next summer. I've just retired from 30 years in the classroom and my life is in too much flux right now. Things need to settle down a bit. :D

It's now October or thanksgiving weekend and my role as Precision Rifle Match Director for the ORA is winding down. I have announced my resignation to the ORA Chairman as well as the ORA PR shooting community that I ain't running the matches next season of 2015.

I am currently in negotiation with pointmen in Edmonton and Calgary and Pemberton to arrange CQB and M14 clinics.

I am targeting for the month of August for another western Canadian road trip. I might even extend my road trip through the Labor Day weekend while on my return swing to the east.

And yes I am still negotiating a clinic for Virden, Manitoba. CQB that is.

Now I can get planning for next year since I am finally out of the teaching profession and I ain't a religion teacher no more. And I am no longer working at the fun counter at Cabelas which happened to be one of my favorite all time best summer jobs :)

So my schedule will be quite free next spring and summer and fall. Yahoo. :evil:

Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving with your families.
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