Surrender or destruction!

We should need a second amendment here in Canada like in USA.

No, we have no need for a second amendment- If you look at the constitution you will see that it already protects us- If the "powers of the day" followed the law we would not have this problem.

The elected government and the civil service bureaucrats, swear to protect the constitution- but work hard at circumventing the constitution.

It appears that three groups are fighting for control of Canada, The RCMP- civil service bureaucrats and the elected government.

But that would just be my imagination.
With zero notification and no official announcement from the officials that made it prohibited after years of lawful ownership!

No person can have a rating for prohibited weapon without a classification.......all current prohibited licenses are specific in the 12.x divisions. The CZ858 has no designation so nobody with any license can possess one, except a business that has a prohibited rating.

Putting all the SAN and CZ858 owners in jail would almost double the prison population in Canada!

If you are studying law, then you know the difference between the written law, and the spirit of the law, in this case the spirit of the law has been offended, and amnesty granted!

It has been my experience that laws are only effective if the law abiding agree to follow them, as if all the law abiding tomorrow decided to not comply with the law, then enforcement becomes impossible ;)

This is a bad decision and an abuse of power putting those owners in a bad position through zero act or omission of their own. I find it disgusting that any authority can waive a pen and magically create criminals that have not made that choice through some wrong act or omission.

Yes, thats why they will pick only a few and make example out of them.

Then everybody will follow the right path.... the right .. path.
You say we dont need but we need it in reality. The right to bear and keep our weapons. They cant take from anyone AK, FN FAL and any prohibited weapons if we had that ammendement in the past. If we had that we (the good citizen) could own any weapons and the RCMP couldnt take those weapons from us or wouldnt have in mind the reclassification of our weapons. Even if a weapon could be turned to full automatic and so what??? What will it change??? Will it be the end of the world? What kind of people are we if we cant have some luxury guns like tha Dragunov, PSG 1, etc....? I came to Canada cause they said it's a free country. Where is that freedom to own a Thompson 1928 from second world war 2 or a Bren gun? And bearing arms would be great too. If your in danger calling the police and until they come to your rescue you'll be a thousand times dead. We need to protect ourselfs and help to fight against real criminals.
..... I came to Canada cause they said it's a free country......

Off-topic question, Pedja -- what flag is that? I just looked on a site for world flags and could not find it.

By the way, there are no free countries and there never have been. Some parts of the USA, supposedly the free-est of all lands, are much less free than we are and, with modern surveillance, every part of the world is sinking into 1984-style dictatorship.

The closest you can get to pure freedom is to live in a lightly inhabited area like Canada was five centuries ago and pack up and move when your neighbours disturb you. Daniel Boone claimed that he moved whenever his nearest white neighbour was less than three days travel away. For the rest of us, STOP CARRYING YOUR SMARTPHONE (it tracks your every movement and, YES, it is being followed) and stock up on unregistered firearms.
Off-topic question, Pedja -- what flag is that? I just looked on a site for world flags and could not find it.

By the way, there are no free countries and there never have been. Some parts of the USA, supposedly the free-est of all lands, are much less free than we are and, with modern surveillance, every part of the world is sinking into 1984-style dictatorship.

The closest you can get to pure freedom is to live in a lightly inhabited area like Canada was five centuries ago and pack up and move when your neighbours disturb you. Daniel Boone claimed that he moved whenever his nearest white neighbour was less than three days travel away. For the rest of us, STOP CARRYING YOUR SMARTPHONE (it tracks your every movement and, YES, it is being followed) and stock up on unregistered firearms.

Just curious, do you get your tinfoil in bulk?
Off-topic question, Pedja -- what flag is that? I just looked on a site for world flags and could not find it.

for grumpy

Tin Foil
US $0.001-3 / Roll ( FOB Price)
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300000 Piece/Pieces per Week (Supply Ability)
Tags: Tin Foil Roll | Colored Tin Foil | Bulk Tin Foil
I don't know if the tracking of cell phones can be considered as tin foil talk since CBC had a report on this subject. It seems that many cell phone were being tracked across that Country by CSEC to test out the technology and it worked very well. When confronted on this they said they were not tracking citizens, but the phones so it is perfectly alright. Here is a link to the report that you should read before the tin foil hat comments are thrown around.
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I don't know if the tracking of cell phones can be considered as tin foil talk since CBC had a report on this subject. It seems that many cell phone were being tracked across that Country by the CSEC to test out the technology and it worked very well. When confronted on this they said they were not tracking citizens, but the phones so it is perfectly alright. Here is a link to the report that you should read before the tin foil hat comments are thrown around.

Yes,but you can trust them as they are doing it for your own good and they would never make stuff up or lie cuz thats just silly talk.
Now back on topic to those full auto machine guns the police say you have.
I don't know if the tracking of cell phones can be considered as tin foil talk since CBC had a report on this subject. It seems that many cell phone were being tracked across that Country by the CSEC to test out the technology and it worked very well. When confronted on this they said they were not tracking citizens, but the phones so it is perfectly alright. Here is a link to the report that you should read before the tin foil hat comments are thrown around.

We've been tracked for many years through various means. If they have nothing better to do than track my boring little existence then they can knock themselves out.
Privacy is the basis of any free Country, just like our gun rights, and we must protect ALL of our freedoms.

Then turn in you SIN number, your debit cards, your air miles cards and any of the other plethora of "incentive" cards out there today. Don't use your email or do anything else online. Make sure none of your pets are chipped as well. Don't use public transit or go into government buildings. The list goes on.

While I agree with the initial concept of complete privacy, it just isn't going to happen in any modern country. It is one of those things that once the bug is out of the box, how do you ever know if it's back in?
Just curious, do you get your tinfoil in bulk?

Several years ago I pointed out to my friends that the US spy agency NSA[?] was capable of intercepting in real time every email message and telephone conversation in North America, using computer algorithms to search for hot key words and phrases, and referring chosen conversations to living people who could then decide what was important. I then said that, while they were undoubtedly spying on all Canadians, most Americans would be protected by their constitutional rights.

Was I paranoid? Turns out that I wasn't paranoid enough! That bit about smartphones? Got it from a CBC radio report last week that a commercial company has hundreds of phone trackers in downtown Toronto so it can sell consumer information to stores. Really.

For a while, I would always include words like "red mercury" and "yellow cake" in my messages just to piss off the spooks. I once sent a full page of numbers to a friend; same reason. NSA probably thought they were random -- but they weren't.
Then turn in you SIN number, your debit cards, your air miles cards and any of the other plethora of "incentive" cards out there today. Don't use your email or do anything else online. Make sure none of your pets are chipped as well. Don't use public transit or go into government buildings. The list goes on.

While I agree with the initial concept of complete privacy, it just isn't going to happen in any modern country. It is one of those things that once the bug is out of the box, how do you ever know if it's back in?
Yes, I do agree that the point of no return has past with all the technology that is out there. The question is, why is this the direction we are headed in Canada. Anyways thanks for all you are doing in helping us out with the on going firearms battle.
Of course none of this paranoia about governmental power matters in the slightest. Global warming has already hit the tipping point beyond which it cannot be stopped*, acidification of the oceans has already affected shellfish and coral reefs, and our population continues to soar. I'm glad I'm old -- I will be 82 when modern civilization crumbles.**

* massive amounts of methane are now being released from the permafrost
** 2030 by very robust computer simulations
Mr Wolverine said:
I am already making contingency plans for supplying new stripped receivers that would be compatible with your parts kit., this is a worse case fall back plan.

I would be interested in the new receiver anyway. Not a cop out, just because I never had the potential gremlin(s) fixed, and if a new receiver is void of that, it would be worth considering.
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