what do you charge for shipping crates that sks come in?

Sorry those get sold with the rifles. Please contact you local dealer who may have some left over.

First off, I believe this is my first actual post so, hello all! I am from Saskatchewan. I have been hanging around the board for awhile now but never really felt a strong enough urge to post anything useful to anyone or something that I couldn't find just by searching - until now. I apologize for resurrecting a long since dead thread but, why does Canadian Tire sell SKS crates? Here in SK, CT only sells a small selection of ammo and air rifles under 500fps, no firearms. So, how/why do they get SKS gun crates? And if the do, in fact, have them at my local CT, where do I look? who do I ask? This has got me intrigued! Thanks in advance and I want to say that I am very happy that I found a CANADIAN gun board as extensive as this. Your forums have already helped me to purchase all my firearms, ammo, accessories, etc. Great site and you will be seeing a lot more of me!
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Some CT sell firearms if they have staff that hold a valid firearms licence.

Check your local gun shop, if they sell russian SKS' they probably have crates.
Some CT sell firearms if they have staff that hold a valid firearms licence.

Check your local gun shop, if they sell russian SKS' they probably have crates.

CT is hit and miss. I remember seeing them. However recently when I wanted one none of the 4 I went to had any. I asked for yhem, most had no idea what I was talking about. The one I did talk to said they do not sell them and he wasnt sure what they did with them after.

Found a used one for $30. Just finished water-sealing it
Going to chain it to my truck and use it as a storage container for emergency supplies.
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