John's replacement

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Hi John:

Actually, I think the vast majority would prefer to see Marstar flourish. Glad to see you will still have representation on CGN. Personally I got a kick out of your comments.

Totally agreed.
Thank you John for your good work and remember something:

Nice to see the majority of the people that have negative things to say have post counts of under 200.

I always liked your way of doing business John. I have the same approach of doing the best that I can for my clients and not taking their #### when they are unreasonable and don't know what they are talking about. It's just sad that the 1% of people who don't understand that old-school way of doing things are the loudest a-holes when it comes down to it. You will be missed.
I have dealt with Marstar a couple of times. I was charged exactly what I agreed to and received exactly what I paid for. Can't expect any better than that.
I liked Marstar but didn't have any love for johnone's rudeness on the boards that other successful dealers do not display. Because of that, my business to that company dwindled... I was also told that there were many other people ready to fork over their dollars and that they didn't care if they had my business or not. This is no biggie for me. Hopefully this new fellow is much more courteous to fellow CGNers.
I don't get it. Why all the tears and sadness over a guy who runs an online business that's making him lots of money. Hey part of his job, while making money, is to take all of the abuse handed down to him as part of doing business on CGN. Is he going to pack up his bags and move on? Why should he, he's making money. I've never done business with Marstar, so I'm in no position to comment on his business practices. Obviously he's doing something right. He's got some of you crying over the way he's treated on CGN. But he's still MAKING MONEY. Give me a break people..... V:I:V:I:
Great company, sold me my first firearm too. You just gotta ignore the trolls on the forms, its not CGN, its any form I have been a part of over the years... Rest assured that they are losers in real life.
I always try to look for the positive. Marstar has always been decent to me, so thanks John for all you have contributed. You certainly didn't deserve all the crap that was thrown at you.

Also, I can now confidently add a few names to my ignore list, another bonus.
Yup, there are a lot of douche bags on this site. People say things to a man via a keyboard that they wouldn't dare to say to his face. Please don't chime in and say you would because that just proves the point. Some people deserve to be treated like the idiots they are, just the way it is. John from Marstar was always good to me. Did he put people in their place when they were morons, most certainly. Would he do it to their faces or on the phone, you bet he would. He is the way he is, he is not 5 years old. If he is crotchedy and quick lipped, it is from years of dealing with people who are only concerned about themselves and their own little world. People do not and cannot go into the gun business in Canada to make money, so there has to be a sense of responsibility. People who usually go into the business of their hobby end up loosing the hobby to support the business which is sad. Speaking from experience there are far better, easier and more lucrative ways to earn money in Canada then spoiling your hobby. People say if you do what you love for your job then you are never really working, those people have never done it.
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